Epona (MinEpoLuc ♥️)



2 years, 1 month ago


Height Difference
7 cm
159 cm
166 cm

Age Difference
5 years

Gender Female
OrientationDemi Bisexual
Birthday August 28
Star Sign Virgo



Height Difference
26 cm
159 cm
185 cm

Age Difference
1 year

Gender Male
Orientation  Aro Bisexual
Birthday June 26
Star Sign Cancer



Gender Male
OrientationGray AroAce Bisexual
Birthday April 30
Star Sign Taurus



Height Difference
19 cm
166 cm 
185 cm

Age Difference
7 years

Big spoon

Little spoon
Lends clothes

Borrows clothes
Doesn't use pet names

Uses pet names

Affection through words

Affection through actions
Confesses first

Waits for confession
Screams about the bugs

Squashes bugs with a shoe
Drives the car

Can't drive
Can't cook

Makes dinner
Dislikes PDA

Loves PDA

Has more relationship experience

Has no relationship experience
How they met

Epona, from their childhood and onward, stayed true and close to Diluc. She's very fond of him and has admired him since they decided to partner up in the Knights. They tried to hook up once, but it didn't work out very well and she respected that, however still remained loyal to him and their friendship even through his four-year absence period.

On the other hand, Minervus and Epona were both born and raised in Springvale, so they did know each other growing up, however, didn't officially start to interact until they took bounties together. The two were a great team, working well together with their skills, and it turned out they got along quite well. 

Their Relationship

These three's relationship isn't the most romantic considering the two men, but there is a lot of raw emotion involved between them. They've all got issues, and that's just how they bonded.

The relationship starts off with Diluc and Epona. Epona's heart has been held by Diluc ever since their teenage years, but it didn't quite work out at the beginning. Not until he almost lost her, at least. Just as he'd returned to Mondstadt after a four-year journey, Epona was almost on her deathbed from a fatal wound. He couldn't bear the thought of almost losing someone else close to him, especially not after the death of his own father and the fight with his brother. Tied to her bed to heal, that's when he surprisingly found himself attaching himself to the woman.

When Minervus came along, it was because he heard his little sister, Diona, talking about this man named Diluc. Upon meeting him, it was like Minervus completely defied his sister's words because man he was something in Minervus's eyes. He tries to talk to Diluc, who carelessly just agreed, although he looked pretty unamused. The first thing exchanged between them is their issues, and honestly, it just makes Minervus attached to him. Then, did he get to meet up with Epona again, not knowing they were friends but he didn't mind. He was pretty content, almost like their house cat. 

"Relationship" likely came up in a conversation between  Minervus and Diluc. He'd found out about Epona and Diluc already dating, to which he had joked about him joining in on the action. He wasn't serious, in fact, he actually felt bad for kind of hitting on Diluc when he'd been taken. Thinking it was serious, Diluc took it to Epona, and surprisingly, even she was on board. It throws both men off guard by a landslide, but she was really serious about it, so Minervus joined their relationship.

How Minervus feels

"I suppose I had the wrong judgment about both of them. You don't really get to meet that many people whose first impression doesn't stick, even though I don't understand. They're definitely interesting... and undoubtedly pretty."

How Diluc feels

"Minervus and Epona... They are hardworking individuals who could do better than their current positions, but it's what they've chosen to do... *sigh*
I shall support them in their wishes, deep down, we have more in common than I had imagined."

How Epona feels

"It's a bit of a rocky ride with these two guys. They're both emotional, moody men, really. But if that's what I have to deal with, then I don't have too much of a problem adapting just for them. They mean everything to me, and I want to make sure I can show them that. Make sure that they know. In my mind, I think maybe they would appreciate that... hopefully."


  • Epona and Diluc made a promise to keep their relationship private for as long as possible. Minervus follows along when he joins, so it still continues to be completely private from outsiders.
  • None of them really are a fan of PDA, Diluc and Minervus are for obvious reasons. Epona is because she respects that for them, so she'll at most give them a friendly hug in public, especially considering the privacy of their relationship.
  • She usually asks for permission from the two men, but when she shows her affection, she'll often like to hold their hands in her own smaller or maybe even give them a kiss.
  • For Minervus, Epona gives him a lot of head pats since he's like a cat and all. Other than that, she lets both Minervus and Diluc do as they feel whenever they want just out of respect.
  • They do all live together in Diluc's manor, and they all share a bed. Cuddling is on a rare occasion just because they all got easily hot and sweaty being pyros.
  • Because their relationship is private, no one obviously knows that so Diluc still tends to have people doting over him throughout Mondstadt. It doesn't quite affect Minervus, but it ticks Epona off just a little, however, she has to bite her tongue because she remembers no one knows about her, Diluc, and Minervus.
  • The near-death incident of Epona makes Diluc have a bit of an attachment issue, and since Minervus and he has bonded, it is passed on to him, too. He is very protective of them, making sure they don't get hurt.
  • Epona has a few abandonment/attachment issues, too, not only because of her parents but because of Diluc suddenly up and leaving for four years.
  • Minervus does the thing like cats do, "making biscuits," with Epona, mainly on her boobs or tummy. Anyways.
  • When Diluc works late at the tavern, he mostly comes home to his partners spending sweet time with each other. Best described, it gives him a feeling of both bliss and relief from coming home to them getting along and being unharmed.
  • Kind of like above, Minervus' bliss moment is when Epona gets along with Diona with no problem. She'll take her out and do fun stuff, and it makes Minervus pretty happy to see it.
  • She thinks she's real funny, but Epona sometimes gifts Minervus little cat toys. It offends him at first, but like two minutes later he'll be completely occupied by it.
  • Most of the time, Epona pushes Diluc's servants away so she can make a meal for her boyfriends herself.
  • In the morning, she also likes to set their clothes out for them for the day before she takes her own leave for the Knights of Favonius headquarters.
  • NSFW
    • When Diluc is in the mood to fuck his partners, there is a lot of emotion involved in their sex life. Of course, they have a few frisky things here and there, but things are taken nice and slow with these three.
    • Epona likes to wear a lot of stuff for them, whether it be lingerie or latex/leather.
    • Epona and Minervus have both agreed that if they live in a big ass place like Diluc's manor, they definitely need to have sex in a variety of different places.
    • Diluc's partners are god awful loud in bed. It doesn't annoy him, oh no, he really likes it. It's just a matter for those poor souls that happen to hear.
    • Because they are all pyros, there's a lot of fire/temperature play involved.
    • Epona gets turned on just by hearing her partners moan, and even hearing skin slapping against skin or the wetness between their legs gets her going.
    • There's a lot of body worship and praise going around for these three, it's very sweet and wholesome.
    • It gets messy, hot, and sweaty afterward and that is the only way these three can stand being skin to skin while they're all hot.
    • They really like the feeling after, especially Diluc because he'll feel very satisfied. Epona is very big on aftercare, both to herself and to her partners. 
    • On a more frisky night, Epona is into being humiliated or punished if you will. It really gets her going if Diluc and Minervus agree to it.
    • When Diluc is not in the mood, Epona and Minervus will go at it with each other a little more. They still take it nice and slow with each other. It's nice to get to have one on one time with each other so they can learn each other's bodies a little more to themselves.
    • I'm sure it's the same for Diluc and Epona one on one time. It gets very emotional for them, most times they've probably cried with each other.