Kami's Comments

Name: Kami - Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsukumogami
I would expand their lore to include being able to possess video games other than Pokemon to add cheat codes or glitches. I would draw my Pachirisu OC Patchie playing a game with Kami. This Rotom would get a slightly updated reference, just to include more buttons. They would get an Art Fight profile and an assortment of ribbons. Kami's typing would be Electric/Fairy partially because existing Rotom forms don't have this type. I am not a writer so hopefully this counts! Here's my Pokemon OCs:

Sent them on over, thank you!
And a little plug, I actually also made these Pokemon Ribbons

I'm so excited to draw them!! Thanks for sharing. I'll get it added to my Ribbons Masterlist which will always take submissions