


2 years, 3 months ago


lol my silly magical sparkledog species from 2014(!)

they're part of my worldbuilding project, Avris!

I'll update eventually with actual info


for now here's notes I've got. some of these are just ideas though and are undecided on whether it'd be canon lore.

tbh most notes are written in the concept art I've done so it'd probably be better to look at the gallery. also I may write additional notes in the comment of an image, so look out for that too!

  • they are magical! :)
    • specifically, every pallio possesses the ability to use magic. though some are more magically inclined than others
      • some pallios may prefer to hone their physical abilities more than their magic
    • a pallio's magic potential and lifeforce comes out of their body via vents in their neck!
      • this magic appears as a cape of sorts
        • this cape is not tangible. it's best described as like, a colored gas of sorts!
          • imagine pallio vents working like an air vent in which a magical colored gas is flowing out of it
            • you can wave your hand through the gas and capture it in a bottle!
            • if you cover the vents (such as with clothing), then the gas won't be coming out anymore
      • said cape also is affected by their life
        • basically a dying pallio will have a cape that gets smaller and smaller until it's gone! (rip pallio)