Pallios's Comments


Okay GOSH there are a few things I wanna comment on--! So I'll just put it in a general comment lol.

The concept of the eyes changing when invoking magic is!! SO COOL!!! I like both the idea of dilating the pupil and/or the extra ring(s) in the eye! I kinda wanna try doodling some of my kids magicking it up and figuring it out. Maybe how it looks varies from pallio to pallio? Or what kind of magic they're doing? I like the one (1) extra ring and how it reminds me of like Kingdom Hearts eyes, but also, consider: a pallio with like multiple animated rings in its eyes like those hypnosis patterns? 🤔

I also saw the bit on the main page where you're brainstorming possibilities for dying pallios! Tbh the explosion into magical ash sounds interesting! Maybe pallio ashes could be a very powerful/valuable component in magic and/or medicine? In that case, I would imagine actually USING it as such would be pretty taboo with pallios themselves, but maybe other non-pallio folks value it? (Or a pallio that doesn't abide by societal norms lol.)

I saw a comment asking about how capes behave. I like how they're like, visible magical air? Affected by wind and being bound by cloth around the vents. Maybe if something disturbs the cape (like a paw passing through) it ripples a little but then goes back to normal? I'm thinking of depictions of waving at mist, or touching a cloud.

I'm kinda 🤔🤔🤔 re: tightly wrapped cloth stopping the cape from showing, and like, the vents closing on a dying pallio leading to a magical build-up where a scarf wouldn't. idk if it translates very well visually that they're different things? (I am always thinking visually. orz) I don't know if you're open to suggestions, but I was wondering if making the blockage more internal would make sense? Like, an ailing or dying pallio might have a weaker, uh... blood-pressure-system-for-their-magic-cape going on, and the cape doesn't escape to the vents in the first place??? Like wherever their magic originates from internally getting backed up? 🤷‍♀️ (Feel free to tell me to back off if I'm overstepping my bounds! Also: I could /tooootally/ be overthinking the magic sparkledogs lol.) (Also also: I actually don't know if this solves the visual translation thing. c_c)

It makes me so happy to see these new notes and ideas, though! And seeing folks draw their pallios lately on CS and such haha. One day I'll draw more of mine! They do get thought about/discussed regularly, though; my roomie refuses to accept that Silas' name is Silas? They call him Lester instead. We argue over this at LEAST once a month.

lol I'm glad you like the eye concept, I just kinda came up with it on the spot! I think I'm likely gonna run with it and make it Canon, so I've been thinking about how to further develop it! I totally did have the idea that it can vary in look or based on the magic they're using (different shapes for different elemental spells? there being several different shapes a pallio could just have? hmm🤔). and since you mention hypnosis like patterns, you gave me the idea that a pallio that's like, charging a longer powerful spell would have their eye rings do that??? because I think that would look cool lmao. powerful mage pallio charging Death Spell and their eye rings are pulsating as they recite chant

"but I was wondering if making the blockage more internal would make sense? Like, an ailing or dying pallio might have a weaker, uh...  blood-pressure-system-for-their-magic-cape going on, and the cape doesn't escape to the vents in the first place??? Like wherever their magic originates from internally getting backed up?"  this is actually what I kinda had in mind when I was thinking about this concept! something about internal magic stuff being like, uhhh veins(???) and as they die the veins begin to constrict or something lmao. 🤔 I've been considering though whether I would actually want this to be the Norm when a pallio dies, because tbh I still would want them to just die normally and leave a corpse and bones! but I still want magical combustion to be A Thing with them, so I have a possible idea that certain diseases/poisons/venom can cause a pallio's magic system to get blocked and result in combustion. (and this gives me idea of like, assassin pallios using poisons to cause this sort of death to a pallio in order to not leave a body behind 🤔 or a venomous animal (snake?) that can bite a pallio and cause this to happen?) I still have a lot to think through with this concept lol (also, you're fine! I'm totally open to suggestions even if I may not use anything, and it's also fun to just develop ideas with other people! though maybe we are overthinking the magical sparkledogs lmao)

and aaa I'm happy to hear that you still think of your sparkledoggos! ;o;


HMMMM browsing through the gallery for these guys, I'm noticing when they're depicted with pupils (or the type of eyeshines that look-like-pupils) they are slit-pupil-shaped! 👀 Is that a Thing for pallios or just a personal choice?

(I would go looking through your oekaki gallery to investigate this more on my own but I do not have the gumption for that atm lol)

Oh, that's just kinda how I draw pupils lmao. though I do like the idea of them having slit pupils like a cat   I think that would make them more Fun!

I'm going to be doing physical anatomy notes next so we'll see what I end up doing for their eyes!


Color me intrigued! 👀✨ If you did go kitty cat route I guess that would give the excuse to draw them both round or narrow? Depending! Either or would be interesting!

Watching these species notes get uploaded does my heart good. 😊 (Or: doki-doki in the kokoro-ki as roomie puts it.)