Guy (Fun-Dip #611)


Basic Info

Pod Color


One True Place

Surfing and helping lifeguard/keep beaches safe!

Experiment Number



similar to stitch abilities include crawling on walls, retractable extra limbs/features, can roll into a ball, and has "super-human" speed/thought/healing/strength/etc. Their unique ability is swimming/aquatic related; where stitch could not swim, this experiment can! They would prefer to relax and look at the lovely sea life than to hurt anything, though, as once they came into contact with other beings they were filled with awe. Can manipulate water into storm-like conditions (like riptides, whirlpools, etc) but never does. Loves to surf! Nickname is "fun-dip" as they have fun taking dips ib the water! (named by RayStarKitty hehe)