Kat Franseca (Godscorpse)



2 years, 2 months ago


"Macavity, there's no one like Macavity..."

Name Katalina Franseca
Called Kat
Pronouns She/they/it
Age Adult
Role Nuisance


Kat is a bold demon living in the Munita area of Athenaeum, and a known presence on the VeinNet. Many don't know how she's capable of knowing top-class, hacker-worthy information, and she isn't one to disclose how she got it- ask, and you'll get an impossible story. Once tossed around like a coporate plaything for use in their massive multicoporate information-wars, Her finding and liberating of a shackled Mind led her to become a forefront in anticoporate efforts.

The bane of many a company (and person,) some wonder how she's able to live a dual life in both normalcy and fame. What many don't see is the very Mind she rescued, Bri- once an attempt at a Mind turned idol, she was discarded when she began showing signs of structural independence. The two are deeply close to one another, with Bri helping her attempts at covering her tracks and Kat trying to get her a physical body. Kat wouldn't admit it, but she's smitten for her.


To Strangers:

To many who meet her off the VeinNet, she's your average tired somewhat-hermit. Sure, she's shoplifted a thing or two, but she's on good graces with just about anyone she meets. As a coverjob, she works with an independant repairman and mechanic who gave her the name Kat, allowing her to get most of the basic tools she uses from it.

Those who know her on the VeinNet know someone who's caught up with all the hot drama, spreading "rumors" and inciting minor internet scuffles for the fun of it. Comparable to a drama tumblr blog or two, posts that could be digged up for proof or reciepts are found to be mysteriously deleted with no trace.

To Friends:

Once someone gets to know her further, they get a glimpse at the bolder side of her and the mounds and mounds of trouble that trails her wherever she goes. They get to see how she's always metaphorically looking over her shoulder and staying on top of all that she knows- and how many of the rumors she posts aren't really rumors at all. At this point, they've probably met Bri as well- and to know of her is a massive place in trust.

One who gets to be close with her also learns she's a little awkward in expressive genuine, true emotion, and once the facade of wit and drama is out, she's socially uncomfortable. She very much is like a cat- once she likes someone, she bothers them, likes to be around them... but really doesn't like to be vulnerable. She loves superficial attention, though!

To Enemies:

To enemies, she's someone who really shouldn't be taunted. Master at information blackmail she was pressured to utilize when she was hired, she can easily and remotely put some kind of demand on someone with threat of information. Most of her enemies haven't ever seen her face unless they're persistant enough, or were associated with her former employers.

To Themself:

Kat would never admit that she does feel fear at the possibility of her life being turned upside down when her past finds her. She sometimes wonder's who's lives she's royally destroyed for life during her employment, and if the road she's taking now is really the right one- she misses the feeling of true safety. She sometimes can't fathom the fact that she's smitten by an AI, and sometimes wonders the reason why she is, is because unlike a person, she was once 1's and 0's that she could understand.



Kat had rampant talent with electronics and the VeinNet from an early age, comparable to today's terminally online kids. She was interested in hacking or causing little messes to others, first releasing viruses and people's IP addresses (to this day, people don't know if it was real or not.) While garnering a following online, she showed promise to several corporate recruiters, and similar to how the FBI reels in kids, attracted her, as well. With the power and technology to access information en masse, she was tasked with finding rival data, hindering their Minds, and keeping their own secrets locked tight.

Odd Job

On one particular assignment, she was given the job of handling an old, locked away mind, rendered defunct from lack of purpose. Puzzled, Kat investigated the matter, and found Bri- the mind-turned-failed-idol. Bri was energetic- she loved people and wanted to know everything about her visitor- and promised she would help her if Kat assisted in her escape. Kat agreed, essentially destroying her career, and with the help of Bri, wiped trace that it ever happened. The two now live together and go around causing similar havoc.


Bri • companion

A work relationship turned to companionship turned to... something. They mutually look out for one another, and without each other, they both wouldn't be here today.


Name • relationship

Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur? At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.

Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.

Design Notes


  • 5'4 and built like a nerd. can't lift for much
  • has completely furred tail that's catlike
  • ears point out to also look like cat ears thru hair. catgirl indulgence - they also move with emotion.
  • likes wearing hair in a bun too, but it kind of destroys the catgirl image so she usually leaves some bangs out
  • eyes slightly tinted but it's hidden by glasses. she actually needs the perscription but she makes it look like it's fashion


  • usually expresses extra emotion through waving around hands and arms
  • very Autism, and hunches over technology when working on it
  • always looking for something new to focus on- looks for stimulation often


  • prefers street fashion, hoodies
  • depending on the day, it's either "looking cute" or "tired college student"

  • godscorpse lore!
  • She was originally a LANCER pilot with a pegasus, with her NHP being Bri (Short for Brionne.)
  • Probably has a mile long post on piracy somewhere.
  • She's half-demon, in technicality.
  • quote from here