


2 years, 3 months ago


The dumbest thief alive

Name Ophias

Age/Height 25 y.o. / 1.87m (without Tail)

Gender Male (He/Him)

Orientation Bisexual/Heteroflexible Questioning

Species & Hierachy Vermillion Naga - Gamma

Occupation Thief/Travelerer

Place Desert of the Naga Island/Later inside GSO Building

Personality Pretentious Dumbass

Birthday 31st July

Theme Idk q v q

The Sand-Kingdom

Gold & Shiny things

The time inside prison

The fact that his family hates him now

Story & Trivia

Ophias was born in a tribe that was traveling through the red Desert called "Crimsons Ashes" together with his 5 siblings.
One of his mothers was a very wild and buff rebell while the other was once a servant of the Royal family inside the Deserts castle which was only allowed to be visited by rich with manners. The people of the Kingdom treated the people that lived outside often like people that are not worth anything so there's often a lot of tension between the two.

Once Ophias grew up he developed a huge interest in the Kingdom since it was forbidden to even talk about it at certain times. It seemed to be a mysterious place for him and tend to ask his mother that once worked there about her experiences there but she usually kept silence while his other mother got angry with Ophias a lot of times because of his curiosity.

In his Adolescence he decided to run away from the tribe, leaving his family behind that teached him many survival skills in the meanwhile.
One of the only things he knew about the Kingdom was that he needed to look rich- so to make his dream come true he stole money and other valuables from travelers or even other tribes, becoming a looked for thief amongst the tribes.

But on one day it was finally time- he finally could enter the kingdom and was utterly amazed by it- All Nagas he met looked so beautiful, there were bazaars in nearly every corner, dance, music and magic shows and beautiful decoration everywhere. This place was so much more special than he could imagine.

Though... everything was way too expensive for him to buy.
He could buy a view things but that was it already.
So this absolute idiot decided to use his thief skills to get some expensive goods and maybe get to trade them later.
But what he didn't knew was how well the guards of the kingdom were educated. It didn't took them long to capture the thief and throw him Into the kingdoms dark prison where he would get chained to a golden neck chain and later on mocked by 2 servants of the Queen. He lived there for several weeks overthinking his life.
After a while, the servants pulled him by the chain like a dog behind themselves and dragged him to the Queen who should chose about his future destiny. The Queen was called Terra, a huge gold-yellow Egyptian looking rattle snake that chose one of the "lighter" punishments for him.
He should work as a slave for the Royal family for the next years.
At first Ophias thought he could live with the punishment but once he found out how much the slaves get mistreated for every single mistake or solely out of fun, he didn't think he couldnt survive those years of slavery and tried to find a way to escape.

He of course wasn't the only one who wanted to escape, there were many who tried already and had some knowledge on how to escape. There were even higher ups that secretely helped those that were threw in without a proof of their wrong doing.

Ophias waited a long while until he met this certain higher upand together with some others he was finally able to escape during one night after. But the mistreatment scared him for the future.

After He was finally able to escape the prison he could understand why his family didn't wanted to do anything with the Kingdom and wanted to return to his tribe buy once he reached it he wasn't welcomed at all.
His family knew about the thievery he was committing and didn't wanted anything to do with him anymore. He was forever banned from the tribe, having to live as a total outcaster without a home.

Ophias really regretted his life choices and felt like he wasn't worth anything anymore. He had lost his family, his tribe and his status inside the Kingdom, so he looked for a hidden cave where he alone could live in and actually found one near an empty sandtemple.
He decided to use this cave to store and hide his stolen goods since it were the only things that made him feel being any worth at all and collected more and more whenever poor travelers weren't looking out on their gold.

During one of his patrols on a very hot day he found a Blue Naga collapsed inside the sand, completely alone.
Ophias at first thought this would be an easy victim to steal from but the more he thought about it the worse he felt.
This Naga didn't seemed like it was from the Ice Land and would probably die if he would be left alone here so the thief showed a heart and pulled the blue Naga through the whole desert inside his home where he would care about him and get to know him once her woke up.
As it turns out his Name is Ioan (an OC by vanidrawme) a Naga that travels through the whole Island.

After a while of getting to know each other Ioan invited Ophias to join his traveling which he agreed to since he had nothing else to do otherwise.
What adventures will they await?~

-during the adventures he is actually pretty scared about a lot of new and unknown things
-people say the higher up that helped Ophias was the princess but nobody knows to 100%

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