


2 years, 3 months ago


The "Gay Blood"

Name Eriyon

Age/Height ??? y.o. / 1.91m

Gender Genderfluid Intersex (He/They/She)

Orientation Homosexual

Species Lavender Blood Divine

Occupation Ex-Guard of the Royal Family/Traveler/Antagonist

Place Paradise

Personality At first Selfish and bullying, after getting kicked out as guard he gets self concious, little nicer but stays a prick

Theme idk q v q

Story & Trivia

Eriyon was a selfish and stubborn Black Blood that always had to show off where he could.
He worked as a royal guard for the Royal Pair Idorn and Drilphia and a huge Rivalry ongoing with Auho, a Black Blood Royal Guard that was very popular for his strength, Beauty and nearly everything else too.
This of course hurt Eriyons Ego so he wanted to gain more popularity, started to flirt with more Blue Bloods even tho... he felt weirdly weird doing it. But aslong he gains popularity he would do anything.
This lead to him and Auho often fight for a longer time.

After the great Chaos calmed down, Eriyon find out that Auho got banned from the Castle, he started to feel like something is missing instead of "haha that guy is finally gone" but he tried to Ignore that weird feeling as much as possible and continued working to become the best guard ever✨️

His Job was to search for all the Royal Siblings that ran away during the Chaos. But who he found in the end was Auho, just chilling under a tree and immediately annoyed him.
Eriyon holed Auho with questions even tho Auho wanted to have nothing to do with the Royal Family anymore and enjoyed being a free man. What Eriyon worried the most was the curse that Drilphia put on Auho, was there any way to solve it?
Eriyon had the idea that of Auho helped him to catch the Royal Siblings, Drilphia might show mercy amd reverses the curse.
After a lot of thinking Auho agreed to the idea, even tho he didn't fully liked it.
So they both began to look for the Royal Siblings and
One day Eriyon found Phenia collecting fruits and flowers. It was the perfect opportunity so Eriyon didn't wait long to kidnap Phenia.
She screamed for help and Enyx immediately came to save her by knocking Eriyon to the Ground.
The fight was very short, Enyx showed no mercy to Eriyon for kidnapping one of his most beloved people.
The red black Blood was kicked to the ground defenseless and got his wings ripped out which is seen as a big dishonor amongst Black Blood.
In gasping pain, tears and terror Eriyon was bleeding very badly at the ground and couldn't move a single bit. Auho came too late but once he saw that Eriyon got so badly hurt he attacked Enyx and a brutal fight with him until Phenia brought the Other members to help. Then the fight stopped and Auho carried Eriyon away to a save place.
After Eriyon woke up again he was very depressed, he felt weak, worthless, like a failure and absolutely useless. He changed a lot from being a selfish bustard into a more awkwardly kind, but still stubborn Black Blood, especially to Auho he became even nicer.
It took him a lot of time to try and do the best out of the situation, he tried different fighting styles, get better stamina, use weapons and build armor for his safety.
He never wanted to go back to the Divine Castle since he knew that he only was about to get shamed.

Nowadays he and Auho run around aimlessly and try to find a purpose and try to solve Auhos curse.

-they have a secret hide called the Amethyst Lagoon
-had troubles with Magum and Ibasa once

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