Do you have the bases with the watermark possibly moved over a bit so it doesn't cover the character? Would love to make one of these!

oops I'm stupid XD

Non of the bases are suposed to have watermarks I just forgot to remove them, one sec I'll fix it

Lmao it's okay, thank you!!

omg the silliest

I have to make one with goofy buckteeth 

Ooh I 'd love to see it

Can i promote this??? I love the species so much ;w;

Yes of course! And thanks you so much ^w^

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Oh boy! I'd be honored to have my species in your story :D


I made shure to skrunkle them with extra love <3

I love them! What an interesting combination. One of the most unique species I've seen. I see so many original species released and most of them kinda suck because they are too generic along the lines of canine, feline, dragon etc.

I'll totally try and make one.

Ah! Thank you so much :D

They way I made them was just that I couldn't decide what my fursona should be so I just threw together parts of the animals I love, and later decided to make it a species, and I'm so happy a lot of people love them.

That's really cool. I also have my own original species where I just threw things together and made it so obscure you can't tell what it is anymore lol. Your fursona is also very nice, I enjoyed looking through their gallery.


they are so skrunly mipy i will make one

Hell yeah! 😎 <3

Can I make one? cool!

Of course you can! Thats what open species means, and there are some free to use bases in the galery, or bottom of the page, is you want to use them! :)

This species looks amazing I can’t wait to see what the community makes out of it!

OvO me neither!