Black Huath [sold]



6 years, 5 months ago


Belongs to Lurhstaap.

Huath is a black, a noncanon large fighter similar to browns. They're DFAB, but are firmly nonbinary.

Name: Huath
Personalty: Sweet, gentle, honest, forgiving, loyal, altruistic and a hardass on proper hospitality (although they're very polite on the matter (and in general)), but somewhat naive and expects others to act as they would act, and they're horribly shocked and disappointed whenever things don't happen that way (this is unlikely to change drastically, although their shock/horror may lessen; they are highly optimistic and idealistic at their core). They have a strong thirst for knowledge and are highly inquisitive. They're never angry, just disappointed. So, so disappointed. I hope you like disappointment eyebeams boring into your soul.
Build: Swift and agile in the air. Moderate build. Not a true black, but instead very, very dark blues, yellows, and greens, with markings where their neck and body colors meet that resemble rooster hackles.
Egg Name: Six Virtues
Impressed to: Serrynx

Based on the Fenghuang, sometimes called the Chinese phoenix.