Chalcedony Cetath - OTA



6 years, 4 months ago
Trade Listing
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Would prefer money to character or art offers. For character offers, look here to see my preferences.

Chalcedonies are a noncanon color roughly equivalent to a bronze.

Personality: Quiet, vengeful, spends more time in water than out of it when given the chance. Is able to speak, but almost never will--not even to his bonded, although he will communicate nonverbally with them. Acts strangely, and will likely be considered unnerving by most people. Despite his time in the water, does not eat fish. Fond of music, and will sometimes "sing" along.
Appearance: Unusually massive, closer in size and build to a large bronze. Wings are built for long-distance gliding, not swift manuveuring. Is a very pale pink, with very nearly white markings; the ones on his jaw and neck resemble the baleen lines on a whale, the ones on his sides resemble fins, and the ones on his wings and tail are simple swirling lines. Is almost motionless in flight.
Egg name: Skeletal Leviathan

He is based on the bake-kujira.