Laiko (01 | Priamos)





"Is it wrong to want to have the goddamn credit I deserve? I've been treated like a lab rat, like a trophy, but when have I ever been treated like a son? When have I ever been treated as a person . . ?"
― Laiko Shirozaki, Persona 3

Priamos (King Priam in the Japanese release) is a Persona from Persona 3.



In Greek mythology, Priam (/ˈpraɪ.əm/; Greek: Πρίαμος, Príamos, pronounced [prí.amos]) was the king of Troy during the Trojan War and youngest son of Laomedon. In the Post-Homeric History of the Fall of Troy, he was described as provided with "a handsome face and a pleasant voice", "large and swarthy". According to Jenny March, his original name was Podarkes, before it was changed to Priam on his ascendancy to the Trojan throne.

Priam was originally called Podarces – the established epithet of Achilles in the Iliad – and he kept himself from being killed by Heracles by giving him a golden veil embroidered by his sister, Hesione. After this, Podarces changed his name to Priam. This is a folk etymology based on πριατός priatós, "ransomed" from πρίασθαι príasthai, "to buy".

When Hector is killed by Achilles, the Greek warrior treats the body with disrespect and refuses to give it back. According to Homer in book XXIV of the Iliad, Zeus sends the god Hermes to escort King Priam, Hector's father and the ruler of Troy, into the Greek camp. Priam tearfully pleads with Achilles to take pity on a father bereft of his son and return Hector's body. He invokes the memory of Achilles' own father, Peleus. Priam begs Achilles to pity him, saying "I have endured what no one on earth has ever done before – I put my lips to the hands of the man who killed my son." Deeply moved, Achilles relents and returns Hector's corpse to the Trojans. Both sides agree to a temporary truce, and Achilles gives Priam leave to hold a proper funeral for Hector, complete with funeral games. He promises that no Greek will engage in combat for at least nine days, but on the twelfth day of peace, the Greeks would all stand once more and the mighty war would continue.

Priam is killed during the Sack of Troy by Achilles' son Neoptolemus (also known as Pyrrhus). His death is graphically related in Book II of Virgil's Aeneid. In Virgil's description, Neoptolemus first kills Priam's son Polites in front of his father as he seeks sanctuary on the altar of Zeus. Priam rebukes Neoptolemus, throwing a spear at him, harmlessly hitting his shield. Neoptolemus then drags Priam to the altar and there kills him too.

It has been suggested by Hittite sources, specifically the Manapa-Tarhunta letter, that there is historical basis for the archetype of King Priam. The letter describes one Piyama-Radu as a troublesome rebel who overthrew a Hittite client king and thereafter established his own rule over the city of Troy (mentioned as Wilusa in Hittite). There is also mention of an Alaksandu, suggested to be Paris Alexander (King Priam's son from the Iliad), a later ruler of the city of Wilusa who established peace between Wilusa and Hatti (see the Alaksandu treaty).


  • Persona 3: Hanged Man Arcana


Persona 3

Priamos is the Initial Persona of Laiko Shirozaki. Priamos takes upon a humanoid like figure, seemingly "hooded" with "wings" protruding from his back. His appearance gives the illusion of being made of metal and armor, with hoof-like feet and blade-like "gauntlets" for his pierce attacks.


Arcana Level HP SP
Strength ??
Magic ??
Endurance ??
Agility ??
Luck ??
Hanged Man N/A N/A
Slash Strike Pierce Fire Ice Elec Wind Light Dark Almi
Resist Resist Resist - - Resist Weak - Weak -
List of Skills
Zionga Deals medium Elec damage / Shocks one foe. (10% chance)
Mazionga Deals medium Elec damage / Shocks all foes. (8% chance)
Blade of Fury Deals medium Slash damage to all foes. (1-3 hits)
Herculean Strike Deals medium Strike damage to all foes.
Myriad Arrows Deals medium Pierce damage to all foes. (1-2 hits)
Arms Master Halves HP cost for Physical skills.
Eerie Sound Distresses all foes. (25% chance)
Infuriate Enrages all foes. (25% chance)

Profile by Erandia
Edited by Glasses-Dog