Rei (02 | Hel)





"Do you know how painful and heavy it is? I know everyone's in pain about them, their departure, God I know. I grew up with them both, and now? They're gone forever, and all I could do was watch... Living for them, in their honor? It's so goddamn painful! It hurts so much that I just want to stop breathing, but I can't... I shouldn't. I- I'm doing this for Shinji, and for Laiko. I want them to be proud of me, of all of us."
― Rei Shimakage, Persona 3

Hel is a Persona from Persona 3. She is also a recurring demon in the series.



Hel, according to Norse Mythology,is a being who presides over a realm of the same name, where she receives a portion of the dead. Hel is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson. In addition, she is mentioned in poems recorded in Heimskringla and Egils saga that date from the 9th and 10th centuries, respectively. An episode in the Latin work Gesta Danorum, written in the 12th century by Saxo Grammaticus, is generally considered to refer to Hel, and Hel may appear on various Migration Period bracteates.

In the Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, and Heimskringla, Hel is referred to as a daughter of Loki. In the Prose Edda book Gylfaginning, Hel is described as having been appointed by the god Odin as ruler of a realm of the same name, located in Niflheim. In the same source, her appearance is described as half blue and half flesh-coloured and further as having a gloomy, downcast appearance. The Prose Edda details that Hel rules over vast mansions with many servants in her underworld realm and plays a key role in the attempted resurrection of the god Baldr.

Hel is generally presented as being rather greedy, harsh, and cruel, or at least indifferent to the concerns of both the living and the dead. However, her personality is little-developed in what survives of Old Norse literature. She’s mostly mentioned only in passing. Snorri describes her appearance as being half-black, half-white, and with a perpetually grim and fierce expression on her face.

The only surviving myth in which she features prominently is that of The Death of Baldur. The beloved god Baldur was slain by none other than Hel’s father, Loki, and the gods sent an emissary named Hermod to Hel in hopes of retrieving Baldur. Hermod pleaded with Hel, telling her how every living thing was in sorrow over the loss of Baldur. But Hel wouldn’t give up her prize so easily. She told Hermod – in a taunting way, we can imagine – that she would only consent to release Baldur if every last thing in the universe wept for him. Hermod and the other gods went around and got almost everything in the cosmos to weep for Baldur. Only one giantess, who was probably Loki in disguise, refused. But because of that one refusal, the terms of Hel’s offer weren’t met, and Hel kept Baldur in her cold clutches.


  • Persona 3: Death Arcana


Persona 3

Hel is the Ultimate Persona of Rei Shimakage. [ Describe appearance here ]


Arcana Level HP SP
Strength ??
Magic ??
Endurance ??
Agility ??
Luck ??
Death ?? ??
Slash Strike Pierce Fire Ice Elec Wind Light Dark Almi
- - - - Absorb - - Weak Block -
List of Skills
Bufudyne Deals heavy Ice damage / Freezes one foe. (10% chance)
Mabufudyne Deals heavy Ice damage / Freezes all foes. (8% chance)
Hellheim Darkness: instant kill, all foes (very high). (80% chance)
Evil Smile Instills Fear in all foes. (25% chance)
Ghasty Wail Instantly kills all foes who are fearful.
Ice Amp Greatly strengthens Ice attacks by 50%.
Primal Force Deals severe Pierce damage to one foe.
Spell Master Halves SP cost for magic skills.

Profile by Erandia