Yuuna Sugiura



2 years, 3 months ago


杉浦 優奈, Sugiura Yuuna

Nicknames Yucchan
Hero Name Samehime
Quirk Tiger shark
Age/Height 15/169cm
Gender Female
Birthday April 14
Affiliation Shiketsu High School
Occupation Student
Theme LINK


  • colorful jewelry and nail polish
  • axolotls and other sea animals
  • playing little pranks
  • party! people!
  • pizza
  • pineapple on pizza
  • proving herself in competitions
  • sports, swimming, martial arts
  • water but not rain


  • allergies
  • mushrooms, honey, spicy food
  • dehydration
  • heat, but she's also sensitive to cold
  • being wrong, losing
  • tight spaces
  • large insects

confident . cocky . loud

Yuuna is loud, arrogant and a rather unagreeable personality at first sight. She gets under people’s skin a lot by being straightforward and insensitive and blurting out what’s on her mind while ignoring other people’s feelings. She likes standing out and grabbing other people's attention even if many consider her weird or pushy or even scary!

She is rather expressive, so her face's angry expressions, smug sneers or cheerful confidence are always easy to see and react to. She is also incredibly competitive and likes to provoke and play tricks which causes her to clash with a lot of her peers. She is seen as very unpredictable and can come off as unhinged.

Her desire to make herself seen and be as loud and radiant as possible make her act overconfident, but ironically stem from a place of insecurity. Her dad became unable to work due to an accident and never got to make a name as a top hero, despite having put so much work into it. Nobody seems to remember his name or has ever even heard of it. Knowing how fickle a career as hero can be and how easily she can be made to stop working, in addition to the fact that the average citizen considers her weird or terrifying, she fears she will not be able to make it as a beloved hero. However, if she's just loud enough and flashy enough, people will definitely have to remember her.

Tiger shark (Type: Mutation)

Yuuna’s quirk comes with the shark mutation and allows her to breathe underwater and swim exceptionally well as well as have an increased lung capacity and resistance to cold water. In addition, she can conceal herself underwater.

Techniques: "Camouflage" (self/defensive) Yuuna can use her mom's camouflage quirk to some extent under water. Her colorful costume helps breaking the light going into the water to hide her appearance
"TBC" (offensive) ....


☆ Yuuna has excellent eyesight only in specific light conditions, though she suffers from cone monochromacy, a condition inherited from her dad. She is unable to distinguish a lot of hues and thus, though she loves colors and colorful jewelry a lot, she makes the weirdest combinations and is frequently made fun of for them (which does not bother her!)

☆ No water quirk person is safe! Everyone has swum a race against Yuuna at least once and if she lost, they can be sure that she will challenge them again

☆ Yuuna is ectothermic (cold-blooded) and cannot regulate her body temperature. She is sensitive to big changes in weather and always takes a moment of drowsiness before getting used to sudden fluctuations. While the cold effects her more drastically and longer, she does not enjoy hot weather

☆ Her hands are usually cold

☆ She has a pet axolotl named Ningyohime

☆ Her parents are divorced and she used to live alternatively with both of them. When her dad retires as a hero due to an accident, she permanently moves in with him and only sees her mom on holidays

☆ Yuuna is a full shark/mermaid in the fantasy AU

☆ Etymology: 杉浦 cryptomeria and bay/sea shore
優奈 superior/surpass and endure

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