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Chiaki Shibuya

Chiaki Shibuya
Japanese Name 渋谷 ちあき (Shibuya Chiaki) 乱 ふいうか (Ran Fuyuka)
Age 16 years old
Sex Female
Wish For "super powers" * Actual wish: To trade and take someone else's place in their life
Soul Gem Heraldic rose (on left arm)
Weapon Arm blades, hand gun
Abilities Teleportation magic, ice magic
Witch form Curwen Ward


Japanese VA Rie Tanaka

Chiaki Shibuya, real name Fuyuka Ran (乱 ふいうか), is a magical girl from Tomoyoko City. She is a character that appears in Puer Magi Soma Magica: The Sibyl of Tomoyoko. She is a long-time resident of the city and, prior to Kiki's arrival, was once the only magical girl left within it.

General Info


A magical girl native to Tomoyoko City that is a member of Misha Kiyomi's current team. She was the only magical girl in the city before Kiki Milani and Misha's arrival. She comes from a wealthy household where her family loves her dearly and provides her with anything she needs without question. Her academic records are perfect, and she also serves as the student council president of the Central School District, garnering her popularity and complete respect from her peers. Even her wish was a bonus, giving her access to fantastic new powers. Any observer could see that Chiaki's life was definitely perfection.

But in truth all of these things about Chiaki are complete lies, including her own identity. Her real name is Fuyuka Ran, a lower class girl from the Northern District of Tomoyoko. The reason why she is now known as Chiaki is because she actually used her wish to take and trade places with the real one. Several years ago when she was Fuyuka, she came from a household stricken with grief and abuse where her (narcissistic) mother never saw her as a person but as something to make her look good. Her overall demeanor gave her little friends, and her confidence was at an all time low. Unable to handle the stress and pain, she eventually ran away from home one day in the middle of the night and began wandering the streets, looking for a purpose. Driven by her depression she fell victim to a Witch's kiss and nearly committed suicide had a magical girl not saved her. This was Chiaki Shibuya, a magical girl from the Central District.

Chiaki struck a chord within her, making her heavily desire the magical girl lifestyle and wish Kyubey's contract promised, believing it would make her life better. But the girl berated her for wanting to throw herself mindlessly into a life of battle and had the audacity to tell her she doesn't have the skills for it. Having been denied and berated for so long, this ended up becoming the final straw for Fuyuka. Out of spite, she wished to trade places with and take Chiaki's life for herself. Her wish was granted, and she found herself being known as and called Chiaki by everyone who saw her. Her new (notably wealthy) family welcomed her with open arms as if she was their actual daughter, and her new classmates saw her as a beautiful and popular student. Her overindulgence in this new life lead to her nearly forgetting about her old self entirely, like Fuyuka never existed.

But her reminder came in the form of the real Chiaki—now being called Fuyuka—crossing her path one day and starting a fight with her. The girl revealed that her wish was for a great family as she was originally an orphan who was alone and felt unloved, and Fuyuka taking that away from her drove her to despair and anger. Their battle eventually ended with Chiaki's death at Fuyuka's hands. She became shocked when she discovered the truth about soul gems and what she had done and was capable of. The guilt of taking away someone similar to herself's identity and life just like that nearly drove her to despair, but she refused to let herself become consumed by her negative emotions and lose what she had gained since it'd result in her having nothing left.

Fuyuka decided that she had no choice but to live with the result of her wish and become the Chiaki that she believed the original was and wanted to be. Since that time she now went by Chiaki Shibuya, and the girl known as Fuyuka Ran had disappeared from this world as she made an effort to change and mold herself into a new person. She ended up being far more proficient at her academics to the point of becoming a star student and member of the student council as its president, and her powers grew stronger with each Witch she fought.

But at the same time she became very distant as she felt she didn't deserve friends since she wasn't "real" and feared what would happen if they found out. She rarely teamed up with other magical girls, preferring to fight alone and for herself in the image of what she should be, leading to many seeing her in a bad light and refusing to work with her. All but one rejected Chiaki: a magical girl known only by her title, "The Sibyl of Tomoyoko", who sent her a message offering support. Unsure but also intrigued, Chiaki asked other magical girls for more information on her, and what she learned changed her opinion on the Sibyl and the mystery that surrounds her quite drastically.

According to them, the Sibyl was said to have the ability to grant miracles of any kind, almost akin to Kyubey. One of these miracles was supposedly the ability to "completely erase Witches" and clean soul gems without the use of a grief seed, and sometimes she'd provide advice and other services to those who needed it. The exact details weren't elaborated on and some facts contradicted each other, but there have been many girls who claimed to have visited her for that purpose. But at the same time Chiaki was incredulous only because at some point after this revelation, those same girls started to disappear after being contacted by and meeting with the Sibyl. The disappearances became so great that even the entire city took notice and started curfews and increased police investigations, altering Tomoyoko's reputation from a popular resort city to one of caution and mystery.

Chiaki came to see many magical girls vanish over time, either because of the Sibyl or because they moved away out of fear for their own lives. In the end Chiaki became the only magical girl left in Tomoyoko, and as much as she wanted to find the Sibyl and learn what was going on, she had no leads other than a second and final message that ominously told Chiaki to leave and never find her.

Shortly after Kiki transferred to her school and formed a "partnership" with her when they encountered each other in a Witch's labyrinth. And while Chiaki disliked Kiki's personality and antics, the latter ignored her hostility and refused to leave her side as she believed Chiaki would warm up to her eventually. Chiaki disagreed, but she decided to allow Kiki to work with her in order to protect her from the Sibyl and have an extra hand to deal with the Witches that piled up in the city.

When Misha had soon arrived to mentor her and Kiki, Chiaki was apposed to it at first out of suspicion of her and her intentions. But as Kiki really wanted to learn from Misha and form a bigger group, she reluctantly accepted Misha's proposal and stepped down to allow the other girl to become the leader. Her suspicions have lessened a little since as Misha had become a great help to them in the course of a few weeks, but she came to fight with her again when they had Soma, a mysterious and amnesic magical boy, join their team. Upon hearing that he wanted to find the Sibyl because they were close, Chiaki immediately shunned him and refused to accept him as a member of the team.

Her complete animosity towards Soma is more out of suspicion rather than outright hate— she thinks his circumstances are very strange and believes he might not be as innocent as he seems. Her saying that she dislikes him for being a boy in a girl's space is nothing more than a bold-faced lie to put him down and hide her actual reason because if Chiaki simply came out with the truth, she knows he'd try to prove her wrong when she wants to verify it on her terms. Her stating she dislikes Soma for being a boy also keeps him from trying to get close to her as it's something he can't change.

His power to create Witches only deepens her suspicions and distrust of him, leading to her refusing to reveal any information she knows about the Sibyl to him or anyone else. Until then she will continue to act cold and berate Soma for the littlest of mistakes and actions she doesn't like.


Chiaki appears as a very collected, no-nonsense and mature magical girl. She never shows fear or worry in the face of battle, jumping in without any sort of hesitation with complete confidence in her abilities. Though she isn't without flaws as she may come off as arrogant and abrasive at times; she tends to distrust and treat people she dislikes more coldly compared to others. Most of the time she's ambivalent at best, but she's quick to judge based on first impressions. However she does quietly express her concern over others that are close to her and will do anything to protect them. Her sophisticated persona isn't limited to being a magical girl as she acts the same outside of her duties as both the student council president and the intelligent and beautiful daughter of the Shibuya household.

This persona of hers is actually a complete façade however, given that she isn't the real Chiaki Shibuya— rather, when she was known as Fuyuka, she was sensitive, quiet but also very envious towards others who had a better life than herself. Her desire and desperation to for a different life and be someone else, along with the consequences that came of it, is something that hangs heavily on her mind as her biggest mistake and regret. She makes up for it by trying to keep up her new identity and hides her own past out of shame.

She is extremely manipulative and deceptive however as she may do something immoral in order to get a desired outcome. She cares very little for other people's feelings and instead takes advantage of them as she knows the most emotional are also the most weak, impulsive and easy to exploit. She is always working hard towards her goals and refuses to back down from them. Even if presented with an impossibility she will work endlessly to find a satisfactory solution that works. Misha is very fond of Kyubey and is never seen without him by her side as she holds extreme loyalty and admiration for him. Whenever she needs to plan something out she always talks to him first before anyone else.

Powers And Abilities

The nature of Chiaki's wish gave her the ability to teleport from one place to another in the blink of an eye. If she is grabbing someone/something when she teleports she can bring them with her to the same location, but if they let go of her during it then they will be dropped off in the middle of the area while she appears at the destination alone. Her teleportation doesn't work if she's in the middle of falling from a very high place, and it will fail if someone or something is occupying the exact space she wants to be at. She also can't teleport across very long distances; the farthest she can teleport to is roughly around 120 meters at the most, with around 5 seconds in-between to recharge and calculate the next move.

Her weapon is arm blades concealed within her sleeves, and she is capable of extending their length, width, and size into that of a typical sword if she chooses. She can do surprise stabs when she punches and dual wield them to defend herself from physical attacks or projectiles. Her fighting style is strictly close quarters with them, but she has spent some time studying and refining her magical abilities, giving her access to ice magic to freeze enemies with or create and throw ice spikes. Chiaki also has a single, ordinary hand gun strapped to her belt near right leg that was given to her by her father to protect herself with (due to certain, unpleasant areas within Tomoyoko and the disappearances.) She only uses it in dire emergencies and rarely uses it in Witch fights, even against Familiars.