


2 years, 3 months ago


filesenforcerers█████████ █'██████



Rising amount of crimes and misuse of the virtual space has given rise to a need for a new type of enforcerers. With that in mind, this agent was created as a prototype AI unit for inspections and enforcing that needed to be carried out in virtual reality.

task assignment

The agent was to build a reputation in virtual reality as a rising idol in order to have a heavy cover at all times. Due to the agent's abilities, more specifically ███████ ██████████, the agent didn't encounter any issues with missions. █████ ████ between █████ has also proven to be incredibly useful for undercover missions, and those have been the main tasks agent as been assigned with when the limits of the agent's abilities were tested and verified.


While the body that was given to the agent at first was fully organic - grown as a clone from donated tissue, there were various tests and enhancements done in order to make the agent's body as useful and durable in reality as it could be in virtual space. Major reconstruction has been done in the region of ████ and ████, especially affecting the agent's ███████ and ████████ systems.



supervising commader



emergency contact



lost friend

correspondence start

operator: Agent, do we have contact?
cyberZ: We do.
operator: You were requested to provide briefing on your mission progress.
cyberZ: I was, indeed.
operator: You are required to provide it right away.
cyberZ: No.
operator: Agent, you are straying from the protocol.
cyberZ: Aye, that I am. And I'll keep on doing it.

correspondence end

Cause of disappearance unknown.

Possible bases include getting too invested into the mission; as an undercover agent, cyberZ was at heavy risk of that for a long time. While this is unfortunate, it is not unexpected. However, that does not lessen the need to retreive the agent as soon as possible; while the routine memory wipes were carried out according to protocol, the disappearance may have been causen by a defect in the agent's functioning.

Retreive the agent as soon as possible and search for any anomalies that the agent may contain.


ALIAS cyberZ
COVER virtual idol

species cyborg
enhancements [redacted]
ability VR avatar

age unknown
gender none
current residence VR space

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