Grem Pets



6 years, 6 months ago


Mr.Sticky- A pet Lyzzand belonging Primarily to Meraviglia, but also to Deiter. He and Noodle were both given to Mera in a bag by the strange merchant grems who came to town during halloween of 2017. (His design has been slightly altered from the original so that he has a bit more of an individual appearance from the standard lyzzands from that event. )

Noodle- An Ivy Lizard also belonging to Meraviglia and Deiter. She is very shy and tends to stay close to Mera, whereas Mr.Sticky is very feisty and outgoing. She will hide if she hears loud noises and likes to sleep cuddled up next to Mera. Mr.Sticky is protective of Noodle when strangers are present.

Lemons- A snorse that lives on Mallows farmland. She doesnt really own him, he's just a wild snorse, that came to her one day and never left. More of an adopted pet than one she really wanted, but she cares for and loves him all the same.