Alotana Valkiea



8 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Alotana Valkiea


Most of the nicknames he can list off that other people give him are rude ones; Anatola usually shortens his name to Alo, and he uses its pun potential to its fullest




Dyric Udrika Twiva


Darc, Deyth





Creation Year


Soul Tune

Eclipsed Solstice


No blood relatives on file


Unknown, possibly somewhere on Memioras

Current Home

No permanent home, always traveling


Physical Appearance

  • He hasn't been seen out of disguise before, but his natural hair and eye color is brown
    • Most often has black hair with longer bangs on one side, but has various hairstyles
    • Sometimes has purple streaks in hair
  • Often wears colored contacts, most commonly purple
  • Fair skinned
  • Tall in height
  • Physically fit with a muscled build
  • Usually seen with an x-shaped scar on his cheek, most often the left one; sometimes doesn't have it, which he has yet to explain since it is a genuine scar
  • Usually seen with a scar across chest from right hip to left shoulder; sometimes doesn't have it the same way as his facial scar
  • Usually seen with black striped/arrow-head tattoos along left arm; sometimes doesn't have it, which he has yet to explain since they are real tattoos
  • Usually seen with a black sun tattoo encircling navel; sometimes doesn't have it the same way as his arm tattoos
  • Sometimes he has ear piercings and sometimes he doesn't; he doesn't have piercings on any other body part at any time though

Aside from his most common disguise, he has numerous other looks.

Clothing Style

Alotana's clothing totally depends on the situation or his current disguise. However, his style tends to be more edgy, dark colored, and sometimes a bit punk styled, whether he is dressed casually or formally. He tends to prefer black as a based color with varying accent colors, usually purple or white, sometimes red or blue, but he's open to most things. He tends to like fingerless gloves, chokers, multiple belts, and silver jewelry to accessorize. He'll sometimes wear sunglasses, dog-tags, or head accessories like beanies, hoods, or headbands. He also prefers to not wear shirts if he can and wears open jackets instead.

Oddly enough sometimes he has figured out how to disguise himself as an angel/demon in certain realms, his most common look for these having black leathery wings and a halo. They seems to be genuine wings and a rifting based halo, but he'll never give you a straight answer if you ask how he acquired them or if they're actually real.


Alotana is a cool-headed and sarcastic man surrounded by mystery. He tends to keep a level-headed and collected demeanor at all times, and he rarely seems affected by what happens around him unless it's on his short list of annoyances. He tends to be hard to approach and is rather cynical and cryptic when he speaks, and he has an aloof and rather elitist personality that makes it difficult for others to reach him on a personal level. He is often rather flippant and rude to most people, but he usually conveys himself in a low-energy and seemingly apathetic manner. Otherwise he tends to seem a little grumpy or even snippy depending on when you approach him. He is often unhelpful and dismissive toward those who ask him questions, and he'll certainly be condescending if he finds the person addressing him too immature or unworthy of his time. Alotana's main pet peeve is "weird people," or people that seem to be acting over-the-top and quirky just for the sake of being quirky, despite the fact that he's could arguably be described as weird and quirky. He will not tolerate any "weirdness" from anyone and may very well refuse to associate with or even acknowledge the existence of anyone that irritates him. He tends to act like he's smarter and better than pretty much everyone, but he does know his limits. In general, he will do whatever is necessary to keep himself a few steps ahead and maintain control of whatever situation he may be in, but he's also very uncooperative and will not do anything to bring anyone around him up to speed or help them keep up with him. He'll likely mock or toy with others that seek answers from him, and he never cooperates with people trying to have their shining moment. He's extremely uncooperative with Anatola, and although he will help her along sometimes, he never seems to give her a straight answer and makes her work to figure out his motives. It's obvious he works best on his own and tends to make things more difficult for anyone that interferes with his agenda.

Alotana is skilled with hand to hand combat, swordplay, firearms, and who knows what else. His favorite weapons seem to be katanas and handguns. He also is a skilled driver and is commonly seen traveling by motorcycle. He also is a very skilled skateboarder, although don't expect any clear answer if you ask him how or when he learned. He also won't explain to you where he learned to ballroom dance, mix drinks, draw, engineer a mechanical hound companion, train a falcon, or anything else obscure he might know how to do or where he learned to do a lot of odd jobs. He'll always give you the same answers, either: "I needed an elective" or "Student loans ain't gonna pay themselves."


  • Darc rifting - rank 4/5
  • Deyth rifting - rank 3/5
  • Shapeshifting to adjust his cosmetic appearance, although he's never been seen doing so by any bystanders
  • Mastery over various weapons, particularly swords and firearms
  • Skilled at driving various vehicles, particularly motorcycles
  • Skilled at many different trades that he's unlikely to reveal if you asked


  • Level headed, objective, and collected
  • Clever, a problem solver, and tends to always keep himself a few steps ahead of others
  • Experienced in many subjects/trades, wise, and resourceful
  • Adaptable, observant, and efficient


  • Closed off, uncooperative, and definitely not a team player
  • Secretive, never seems to explain anything to anyone, and only interested in his own goals
  • Not terribly compassionate or empathetic, rudely sarcastic, and purposely tries to annoy others
  • Condescending, ill tempered, hard to get along with, and arrogant


Not much is known about Alotana. He was listed in Anatola's Academy file under "Associated Files," but no details were given about him and no file on him has ever been found. He suggests he used to be a student at the Academy, but he does not elaborate on for how long or what exactly he studied. He also does not clarify why he is listed in Anatola's file or who he is to her. From repeated encounters with a certain bounty hunter, it is implied that this bounty hunter was once hired by the Academy to erase Alotana's existence, but since the fall of Sakavist the hunter pursues him due to a personal vendetta. Alotana suggests the hunter was a graduate of the Academy and they knew each other during their enrollment, yet for some reason he does not explain why neither of their memories were tampered with.

Anatola works to track him down for answers, and Alotana, while not actively avoiding her, has no intent on giving her any. He's more occupied by the constant threat of the bounty hunter who will not rest until he claims his prey.


  • Alotana was initially made as a joke for a gender-bent Anatola. His name is her name spelled backwards, and his title opposite to "The Lady Anatola" is "The Lord Alotana."
    • His gender-bent version was created by taking the gender-swap potion on GaiaOnline for my avatar. His default style is based on the base traits he had during this gender-bent period of time.
    • I later made another Gaia account specifically for him since I felt sad about switching back to being a lady.
    • If my two accounts ever talk (usually if I'm using his account to occasionally bump one of my main account's threads), my main account is usually weird and ridiculous like my normal personality (not like Anatola's personality though), and he is much more adamant about "NO FUN ALLOWED."
    • He gets along better with normal Anatola than he does with me, the creator, because I'm an annoying dork.
  • He has a falcon named Simon and also engineered a mechanical hound companion, which he calls Monday.
  • Anatola and Alotana have a running gag of trying to kill each other in music videos. They both know they're not allowed to kill each other, so they never hold back in their fights because they already know they're not going to actually "succeed" in killing one another.
  • Anatola tends to call him Alo when offhandedly addressing him. He tends to respond by handing her a tube of aloe vera lotion, which she usually slaps out of his hand.
  • It's uncertain what "student loans" and "tuition" he's talking about paying off, since none of the students at Sakavist Academy actually pay for their classes since many of them were either born into the system or were forced into it, implying that none of them would've had any personal funds.
  • His birthday is on July 2nd.
  • Likes scarves and hats that he can hide his face with, not because he's trying to hide his identity, but more because he likes keeping his mouth covered and his eyes shaded.
  • He sometimes smokes to wind down, but he does it very infrequently.
  • Knows how to play guitar and piano.
  • If asked why he can never give anyone a straight answer about something, he'll probably response with something along the lines of "None of my answers are ever straight. I have plenty of ace answers if you're interested though."
  • His favorite color is purple.
  • Old Charahub blurb: "A mysterious man listed in The Lady's Academy files, his relationship with her and the Academy are both unknown.