Evangeline's Credence (Gerr Furher)




Gerr Furher

. pureFury .

Age13 sweeps
Weight55 kg
Height178 cm
ClasspectWitch of Mind
Type colorTeal
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Witch of Mind: One who Manipulates with Mind or Manipulates Mind

Witches are enthusiastic, confident and optimistic rebels. They break the physical and metaphysical “Rules” of their aspect. Their challenge is to know when it’s morally right to use their rule breaking power. 

A Witch of Mind would rebel against the fact that everything must be perfectly logical and reasonable. They would break the rules of justice, morals and rational decision. They would be able to manipulate the thoughts and minds of themselves and others. They could make someone super intellectual and logical or they would also take away their intellect and logic. They can make someone the most reasonable person ever and in turn make someone else very stubborn and unreasonable. They can manipulate the choices and decisions that people make and how they make them, by manipulating what they hide and how they hide it. A person’s certain role or identity that they have can be easily changed or controlled by the Witch. They could manipulate the thoughts in their head to plant suggestions, which would then manipulate their morals, their sense of justice or directly interfere with their decisions.

They could even just directly manipulate a person’s Role around certain people, making them act differently around differently people. They could be able to break and change the very rules of the law and the justice system if they so pleased. They could make it so someone become super lethargic and apathetic, or they could take away their sense of apathy and get them going again. Witches of Mind can also manipulate and change the rules of trickery, making someone think one thing happened when really another thing was going on. They could alter the state of someone’s very memory, moving things out of order or place, screwing them up. If they could sort of the muddled mess of someone’s head in order to set their thoughts in order again.

They could manipulate the level of impersonal indifference someone show to another, and either make it bigger so that person is as unbiased as possible, or make it smaller so that their thoughts are corrupted with a bias towards something. They are challenged to use their powers in a morally conscious way though, this may prove to be a problem if the Witch is more uncaring or apathetic to how other people react to what they do. But since a Witch of Mind would rebel against the thought of being perfectly apathetic or uncaring towards others, they most likely won’t go manipulating people willy nilly. I think Namine from Kingdom Hearts would be a good candidate for a Witch of Mind.

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