Kaj Llingvam (Ethereal)





. fakeShadow .

Age13 sweeps
Weight68 kg
Height201 cm
ClasspectMage of Life
Type colorCerise
LususKoi fish
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Likes: Lonliness, herbs, water

Skills: Healing

Mage of Life: One who Knows with Life or Knows Life

Mages will uniquely experience their Aspect, both good and bad. As a result, they gain a unique understanding of what their Aspect is or does. Their challenge is to become open to new insight or different perspectives than their own.

A Mage of Life might suffer from an overload of energy, recklessness or temptation and would probably be very hyperactive and have very low impulse control. They might suffer also from an excess of optimism, making them seem naive or unaware of things going on around them, when really they just tend to focus on the bright side of things. This still might make them suffer though because problems don’t go away just because you can ignore them and in fact can makes things so much worse if you do ignore them or put off dealing with them. Just like how recklessly diving in headfirst without realizing or in fact even caring about the damage done can be very damaging. At the same time they might be one of the few to take a high reward risk when no one else will, because only they understand the benefits and has the willpower to do so, letting them get further on risky ventures than other people might.

If you look at Life as Luxury, someone might suffer from being very rich or wealthy, and is used to people constantly backstabbing them or having ulterior motives towards them because of this. Famous people often have creepy fans and stalkers and other people who have problems with boundaries and rules to contend with as well. A Mage of Life might also suffer from someone else recklessly dominating over them, and thus know firsthand how it feels to be on the other end of someone else’s unrestricted temptations. Maybe they were once rejected, and thus understand how it feels to be rejected. A Mage of Life would eventually from experience, know intuitively how this kind of Luxury and Dominance over others affects them and would learn not to use it to hurt others, but instead help them out.

Think of like a really crappy and privileged celebrity doing shitty things and having shitty fans, but eventually having that shittyness turned against them and making them realize how destructive it can be, and then turning it around to use their knowledge of it to help other people understand it and help them grow. Another way a Mage of Life could suffer from Life and Growth is if they suffer some form of cancer or fast growing destructive illness. They might also get food poisoning every now and again or be very bad at handling animals. But all these things would do is give them firsthand experience and knowledge about these things and thus help them be better at it.

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