Naia 👁️



2 years, 2 months ago




profile is a wip + code is a placeholder


full name. naia
— doesn't use surname

age. 20
— aug. 30, 1999

gender. trans woman
— she / her

species. human

occupation. unemployed

orientation. arospec lesbian

A very paranoid insomniac and alien fanatic living in the desert southwest who recently started having strange dreams and hallucinations alongside the resurfacing of memories from her forgotten childhood. Her hallucinations usually consist of multiple bright green eyes appearing on her face & black blood coming from her eyes and nose, while her dreams are centered around having fuzzy conversations with a man she doesn't recognize. She's torn between wanting to seek out an explanation for these strange occurrences and memories and wanting to keep her life the same, but she's dragged into an adventure anyways when her teenage neighbors find a concussed, amnesiac alien and come to her for help.


height. 5’8 / 173cm
build. fat
wardrobe. casual, practical & cares more for familiarity than comfort
— always wears her denim jacket out of the house
— doesn’t like closed-toed shoes and will opt for socks with sandals if possible
— lots of t-shirts, plain and graphic; graphic tees are usually space-themed
— usually always wears shorts, though only to keep herself from overheating
accessories. lobe piercings & two woven bracelets
— wears her accessories out of habit and never really accessorizes for fashion purposes
— bright green flat stud earrings
— made the red, blue, yellow & green bracelet with her friends in middle school
— has worn the lavender & light blue bracelet since she was a child & doesn’t remember where or when she got it
hair. curly & thick, chin-length
— consistently gets her hair cut in a bob to keep it out of the way; never styles her hair but sometimes wears it in a tiny ponytail
— used to have very long hair as a child that she tended to hide behind, but eventually decided to cut it for easier maintenance
misc notes.
— always has dark circles under her eyes
— eyes are a bit droopy/downturned
— has a somewhat flat affect; usually has a neutral expression but sometimes seems a bit sadder or grumpier than she actually is due to her large eyebrows


likes. weighted blankets, stuffed animals, sweet tea, astronomy, baseball

dislikes. being alone, making phone calls, cloudy weather, airplanes

hobbies. drawing, speculative biology, reading (sci-fi, scientific non-fiction), stargazing


  • chronic insomniac, has had problems sleeping ever since she was a baby
  • collects tacky alien-themed souvenirs and other space memorabilia
  • sleeps with a small stuffed animal of a black big cat that she's owned for as long as she can remember


TW: amnesia/memory loss, discussions of mental illness (anxiety & paranoia), hallucinations, potential stalking/being watched, scopophobia
( Early Life )

Officially, Naia’s life started when she was 10. She has very few concrete memories of her life before then, and everything she does remember is incredibly fuzzy. She recalls having two loving parents and constantly being in and out of medical facilities, but knows little else. At the age of 10, she was taken in by Yasmin Hassan, a woman living in a city in the Californian desert southwest, and intermittently raised alongside her visiting nephew, Ayman Ibarra, who she grew to consider a brother. Despite her extreme shyness, she instantly clicked with their neighbors, Ellery and Kendall Shih, and formed a particularly close bond with the confident and protective Ellery.

Throughout her childhood and teenhood, Naia was something of an outcast. She was very anxious and struggled to interact with others who she wasn’t already close to, and she had very little academic success in spite of her smarts. Another “alienating” quirk was her complete and total fascination with aliens, something she’d displayed from a very young age. Despite being an otherwise practical and logical person, Naia staunchly believed not only in the existence of extraterrestrial life, but that she knew exactly what they looked like. Because of this, she taught herself how to draw in the hopes of putting her beliefs into images, which then sparked an interest in speculative biology.

Though her social ineptitudes didn’t impede on her life all that much, her lack of success throughout school weighed on her heavily and greatly exacerbated her existing anxiety problems. The amount of time she was forced to dedicate to even getting a passing grade in her classes ate away at any time she could have otherwise dedicated to extracurriculars or hobbies, though she did get a retail job in her senior year in an attempt to feel “normal” in comparison to her classmates. Being so stretched thin and stressed out caused her to become more withdrawn than ever, and it was at this point in her life that she sought out medical care for her mental health. Though her circumstances continued to weigh on her, she began to feel much more equipped to manage it all, both with medication and newfound coping skills.

( Present Day )

After just barely managing to graduate high school, Naia, determined to prove herself as independent, moved into an apartment on her own. Shortly thereafter, however, she began having strange, vivid dreams that would go on to worsen her already precarious mental state. In her dreams, a man she doesn’t recognize sits with her and questions her about her childhood and her current life, and though he isn’t scary, he is forceful. The surreality of these dreams and what seems like the invasion of privacy by the individual in them would continue to plague Naia, causing her to lose great amounts of sleep. She also began experiencing vivid hallucinations of glowing green eyes appearing on her face and bleeding black blood. She became increasingly paranoid and fearful that she was being watched, which caused her already delicate grip on her newly independent life to loosen. After suffering a particularly severe nervous breakdown, Naia quit her job and moved in with Ayman and Ellery, who had been renting a house together. Now living with two of her closest friends, Naia felt much more secure, though nonetheless severely burnt out. Despite this, her dreams persisted, and she decided to spend her newfound free time on picking them apart and trying to get to know the man who has been questioning her.

One day, out of the blue, Naia’s teen neighbors, Shelley and Adam, came to her for help with a concussed, amnesiac alien. The alien, who could only recall his ID number, was a mild-mannered, curious teen. Shelley and Adam had encountered him after school and, in their panic over his monstrous appearance, Shelley hit him over the head with a baseball bat. Despite this, the alien, who they decided to call “Five”, held no ill-will, but rather looked at the new world around him with wonder and appreciation. Naia, though incredibly out of her depth, felt both vindicated in her staunch belief of extraterrestrial life and sympathetic towards the young, amnesiac alien. Despite protests from Ellery, who views the quest as a decidedly bad and dangerous idea, Naia swore to help Five find his way back home.


family. an adoptive aunt and brother, has fuzzy memories of two parents from her childhood
ayman ibarra.

Naia has a lot of love and admiration for her brother, but she feels as though she’s failing to live up to the example he’s set for her. Though the two aren’t far apart in age, Ayman’s academic and extracurricular achievements have placed him leagues above the rest of his peers ever since they were kids, and Naia has always fallen short. Though Ayman has never thought less of her or deemed her any sort of failure, his protectiveness of her and his desire to see her succeed can come across as demeaning and minimizing of her accomplishments, as few and far between as they are.

friends. has two best friends (+ her brother) and is very friendly, but generally keeps to herself
ellery shih.

For as long as anyone can remember, Naia and Ellery have always been attached at the hip. Upon meeting and becoming close as children, the two naturally fell into a symbiotic dynamic, with the confident Ellery standing up for shy and withdrawn Naia, while Naia gave Ellery an outlet to be genuine and let her guard down. Naia initially glorified Ellery as her knight in shining armor, but over time and with the gradual building of her own confidence, Naia stopped placing Ellery on (as high of) a pedestal. Naia considers Ellery to be the most important person in her life and, since graduating high school, has begun to grow faintly aware of her infatuation with Ellery.

kendall shih.

Naia and Kendall get along like a house on fire. Despite both their personalities and interests being vastly different, they clicked exceptionally well when they first met and would spend all their free time together (with Ellery in tow). Kendall has always encouraged Naia to be more outgoing and he makes her feel safe venturing out of her comfort zone, which is one of the many reasons Naia misses his presence so badly. Ever since Kendall moved out of town to pursue his career, the two of them have fallen out of touch and are each too worried about what the other thinks to try and reconnect.


Despite the unease his persistent presence brings her, Naia can’t help but trust the man who won’t stop showing up in her dreams. She thinks he’s abrasive and pushy, but she believes that him grilling her about her past may prod her subconscious into remembering it herself. Though his communication with her is invasive and more than inconvenient, she can sense a genuine distress and passion in him that she greatly empathizes with.