


2 years, 2 months ago



Kale Aegean

Merman of the East Tribe

Next soon-to-be leader of the East merman tribe. Ever since his parents had passed, Kale was too young to be assigned the position of leader so another member was assigned to take charge until Kale has come of age. Starting next year, he will be crowned as the new leader of the East merman Tribe.

Although he is about to be the next leader, he is later captured by a crew of pirates when he accidentally ventured too far from his tribe.


Rising Phoenix

Main DPS > Claymore

Crit Rate > Crit Damage > ATK % > EM > Energy


Kale has a sort of desaturated blue hair and his "ears" are fins. There are scales on his face and some on the rest of the body that blend into his skin.

His tail is a mix of blue and dark green. His nails are a dark green as well. He has something like "gills" on his neck. Mermaid and merman heal quite quickly but that does not mean they don't feel pain or can't have scars. Kale's blue and green hair and scales help him blend into the water and help him hide from enemies.

He can transform into human but prefers to stay in merman form because he absolutely despises humans and does not want to even look like them. His hair is kinda curly looking and his right hair is a little bit longer than his left.


Kale's backstory is kinda of a rough one. He grew up to actually love humans and help them out when he can. When Kale was about five, his tribe was attacked by sharks. His father, the leader of the East merman tribe at the time, sacrificed himself to let the others escape. After that, Kale's mother became the leader of the tribe. Kale's mother was a strong mermaid and has always helped out humans who were about to drown or helped ships who were lost at sea. Kale was also raised to help out humans when he can. However, when Kale was 12, he and his mother went to help a ship get back to shore. Before they even reached port, Kale's mother knew something was off about the ship. She turned around to see a man holding a harpoon. Without thinking, she pushed Kale away and told him to run. Kale swam down and went far from the ship. He though his mother followed him or was at least nearby. He went back up to the water's surface and looked back at the ship in the distance.

There, he saw men pulling a net up into the ship with Kale's mother in it. Kale was in shock and didn't know what to do. He thought of going back to the ship and try to save his mother but what can one little merman do? As soon as he was thinking of what to do, he saw the men change their flags into what they truly were. Pirates. Skull flag with two bones crossing each other. His mother had warned him to stay away from such ships. Ruthless killers who know nothing but money and drinking. If a mermaid is ever caught by them, they are either sold into slavery or killed and they sell their scales.

Kale had no choice but to go back to his tribe and explain what had happened. After hearing what happened to their leader, the tribe got everyone together to discuss on the new leader until Kale comes of age. After discussing, they decided on a young merman who was best friends with Kale's mother to be the temporary leader. After the incident, the same merman takes care of Kale in place of his parents.


Kale used to be a happy kid who always believed he had the strongest parents and was always proud about his parents. When his dad passed, he became less enthusiastic about everything and was always trying to make his mother happy. Instead of hanging out with the other merkids, he would always rush to find his mother so he can help with the tribe duties. When his mother passed, he put the blame on himself and became irrationally angry at anything that bothers him in the slightest bit. He would always try to do everything himself and would never ask for help from others.

He absolutely despises humans, especially pirates. He is arrogant and doesn't care that what he says could have consequences. He will risk his life for something he cares about. Kale likes to venture away from his tribe and explore the ocean. He is almost never seen smiling anymore.

Kale went venturing kinda far from his tribe. He always ventures far and runs into ships in which he always tries to sabotage them. For example, he would cut their nets that try to capture any fish or he would throw rocks at the crew members while being out of sight. One day he saw a net scraping the bottom of the ocean which was damaging the reef and ocean life. Kale brought out his sharp knife and went over to try and cut the net. However, the net didn't seem to cut and Kale's fin got caught in the webbing of the net. The ship started to pull the net to the surface and Kale began to panic and started to cut the net around his tail but it didn't seem to work again. He was pulled to the surface and out of the water and the net and everything in it was place on the ship. Kale heard lots of men yelling in which he got dizzy from the bright light. "We got him finally!" "Get the ropes!" "Tell the captain!"

"No need to tell me, I'm right here." A deep voice rang out. Although the other men were yelling before, HIS voice stood out from the rest. Everything turned quiet and paid attention to that man. Kale struggled a little bit but got the net off of his head and looked at the man that everyone was paying attention to. "Hello there Mr Troublemaker! You caused quite alot of problems for us Pirates." Pirates? Kale looked up and his eyes widened when he the flag waving. Skull with two bones crossing each other. Everything that his mother had warned him about before rang through his head and his past went through his head in a flash and he looked back to that pirate with a deathly glare.

"Welcome to my ship, seaweed brain."


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam velit sem, pellentesque auctor congue id, gravida in mi. Curabitur eget luctus velit, et sagittis risus. Vestibulum vulputate nibh arcu, id porttitor nisi volutpat sed. Curabitur a ipsum non magna eleifend ullamcorper non eget magna.

Curabitur venenatis, neque quis blandit porttitor, turpis arcu accumsan ligula, a pellentesque massa risus sit amet ante. Quisque eleifend magna ut gravida ornare. Aenean facilisis ut nunc ut pulvinar. Vivamus vulputate enim eget nisl ultrices maximus. Etiam et tempus est. Donec a nunc quis sapien pretium volutpat.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam velit sem, pellentesque auctor congue id, gravida in mi. Curabitur eget luctus velit, et sagittis risus. Vestibulum vulputate nibh arcu, id porttitor nisi volutpat sed. Curabitur a ipsum non magna eleifend ullamcorper non eget magna.

Curabitur venenatis, neque quis blandit porttitor, turpis arcu accumsan ligula, a pellentesque massa risus sit amet ante. Quisque eleifend magna ut gravida ornare. Aenean facilisis ut nunc ut pulvinar. Vivamus vulputate enim eget nisl ultrices maximus. Etiam et tempus est. Donec a nunc quis sapien pretium volutpat.

Tempered Sword

Normal Attack

Normal Attack Performs up to 4 consecutive strikes.

Charged Attack Drains Stamina over time to perform continuous slashes. At the end of the sequence, perform a more powerful slash.

Plunging Attack Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground, damaging enemies along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Searing Onslaught

Elemental Skill

Performs a forward slash that deals Pyro DMG.

This skill can be used 3 times consecutively. Enters CD if not cast again within a short period.

Searing Onslaught

Elemental Skill

Releases intense flames to knock nearby enemies back, dealing Pyro DMG. The flames then converge into the weapon, summoning a Phoenix that flies forward and deals massive Pyro DMG to all enemies in its path.

The Phoenix explodes upon reaching its destination, causing a large amount of AoE Pyro DMG. The searing flames that run down his blade cause Diluc's Normal and Charged Attacks to deal Pyro DMG for a time.