
2 years, 2 months ago


Lois Drakonic                                             Tiefling





















  • Acrobatics
  •  Animal Handling
  • Arcana
  • Athletics
  • Deception
  • History
  • Insight
  • Intimidation
  • Investigation
  • Medicine
  • Nature
  • Perception
  • Performance
  • Persuasion
  • Religion
  • Sleight of Hand
  • Stealth
  • Survival


  • Dagger
  • Flute
  • Lyre


Bard // Folk Hero // Chaotic Good

BACKSTORY: Lois was born into a dragon-loving kingdom of Tieflings who were sworn to protect the lives of the dragons, until the day the kingdom was attacked by evil dragons. The royal family tried to persuade the citizens to continue their oath to protect the dragons, but the kingdom rebelled and set a plan to kill the royal family. Lois's parents hid their princess in the forest to be taken care of by an elderly dragon named Fro and to be kept safe from the kingdom's plot to overthrow and murder the royal family. 

Lois grew up in the forest, isolated from the real world and forbidden to go anywhere outside the woodland. She was never told about her royal origin, so she was always curious who her real parents were. But she didn't mind not having any Tiefling friends. She deeply cared for Fro, and Fro deeply cared for her. Lois was a great singer and spent most of her time making music dedicated towards her forest home. 

One day, as she was coming back from a walk in the woods, she discovered Fro's body, cold and dead with a long silver sword sticking from his heart. He had been slayed by the rebellious kingdom's hunters, who had finally found the location of Lois and her elderly dragon guardian. Before fleeing the forest, she took a mysterious amulet she had found Fro holding that the Hunters seemed very interested in. Barely avoiding the hunter's capture, she fled the forest.

As she entered a small, quiet village eleven days later, a man by the name of Devlin took her in and found the origins of her amulet, which turned out to be Lois's family heirloom. Lois spent her older teenage years living with Devlin in a tavern, working as a bard and singing the songs she wrote during her life with Fro to the customers. 

Her goal is to return to her kingdom and restore balance and peace and continue protecting the dragons they were once sworn to protect. 

PERSONALITY: Lois is a fierce, free spirit who loves independence and doing things her own way. She is very determined and stubborn. However, she tends to not think thoroughly before throwing herself into risky situations, which can do more harm than good. She's very impulsive and is quick to flare out. But usually, if she can find a peaceful option in any situation, she will do her best to go through with it.