
Jayden Nullberry - The wizard of light


Age 23 (currently dead)
Species Human
Height 1.66 m / 5' 5''
Body Type Short and chub
Gender Female, she/her
Sexuality Bisexual
Relationship Status Single
Alignment Lawful Good
Handedness Left-handed
Specialisation Optical Illusions


  • Sunlight
  • Kindness
  • Beauty


  • Moonlight
  • Stubbornness
  • Those who cannot see

One of the most naive of wizards to come out of the wizarding school of Carnathis, Jayden always looked at the bright side of things. She saw the beauty in everything even people that didn't see the beauty in themselves, like her familiar. She lived and died loving the world... the world that gave up on her in her last moments. Would she carry any malice against it?


Jayden was an only child and grew in a rather safe and nurturing environment. Her parents were loving and her schooling experience was nothing but flowers and sunshine. She was in touch with nature and went on vacations frequently, thinking of the beauty of the world as if it were a treasure to be respected and shared. She grew and watched as many around her forgot... or had just never seen the good in anything. It was more than disheartening to see people spiral like this, so she tried her hardest to make people see...! With varying results.

Jasper and Jayden - seeing the light

She boarded the Wizarding School of Carnathis with an ambition to see the other side of the world, since only trained wizards can see wild spirits. Even if she could never retain all the knowledge of the theories of the spiritual realm, she was fascinated to go out and venture into the forests of the dead. She failed to capture a ghost way too many times... and then she met Jasper. He was a misanthrope cat who did nothing but stay away from people and spirits alike. However, he was now her familiar and he was fated to see all the pretty things she could see. She would take him out for long walks across the city, do picnics next to the river, watch the sunset on top of the hill...

Oliver and Owen - the bitter end

The cat that for so long yearned for the solitude of moonlight, hiding in his magical shadows, was slowly starting to look at the sun with sparkling eyes. Jayden had already received the letter from the Wizarding Senate appointing the two of them to the backstage team of the local theatre and was ecstatic. She was more than ready to help the community with their combined magic of illusions and watching awesome plays was a bonus! She was standing just outside her home relaying it all to Jasper in the dead of night, when she saw a suspicious set of shadows approach the two of them. She screamed Jasper's name to move out of the way as she felt a curved blade plunge into her chest... then another one, and another one. Barely being able to contain her composure, let alone the blood that seeped from her mouth and abdomen, she mouthed a plea for escape to her one and only bond... before the colour faded from her eyes. Did Jasper survive? Why did that man and his familiar even try to kill her? What did she ever do?! Her last thoughts were those of desperate hope; unless those were the feelings of betrayal and the desire of masked vengeance.


  • Jayden is an obvious fan of nature and of fantasy books like Lord of the Rings!
  • She can appreciate even the simplest of things, which explains her simple sense of style.
  • She was so excited to use Jasper's magic in tandem with him to do small tricks of the light.
  • She carried Jasper everywhere, and I do mean everywhere! Grocery-shopping, trash-throwing... why.
  • Her eyes are faded deliberately to foreshadow her... otherworldly end.
  • She dresses in purple and white with sun motifs... which is exactly opposite to Jasper's yellow and black clothing with moon and stars motifs.
  • I headcanon Jayden to be related to James and his siblings. Her last name "Nullberry" is a nod to that!



Jasper [ familiar bond ]

Jayden caught Jasper... or did he let himself get caught? She didn't know. She wasn't particularly too smart to catch a familiar for herself. Jasper hated humans and the mortal realm for he did not care for them, he couldn't see. Jayden did all she could to show him the wonders of the world. Her love for him was eternal, she only thought to save him in her final moments... Did he ever care for her? She'll never know now...


Oliver [ the murderer ]

Who could ever expect their lives to be taken so soon and especially for such a self-serving reason like power? Jayden certainly did not. She was just at the wrong place at the wrong time, carrying a bond that Oliver envied; and she paid the price. Even yet, she would never let him have Jasper. Spirits are not to be objectified, but respected and that is something she thinks Oliver may never understand.


Owen [ the murder weapon ]

She never learned the name of the familiar that murderer used to kill her. She never had the time to. But she remembered the look of hesitation in his eyes as his arms turned into scythe blades. May his spirit be set free and his bond ruined, for it tears into him.