


2 years, 5 months ago




21 / Immortal 500+ years

Human; Evangelian



Jesus Don't Like I'm Gay but Satans Cool With It

Lil' Boodang
DoB July 20th, XXXX
Sign Cancer
Pronouns He/Him
S.O. Homosexual

Height 5'6
Build Lean
Eyes Blue
Skin Fair
Hair Burgundy


Aster is one of the three people that take over Evangeline in the stead of Chrysanthia, the founder of the animation rehabilitation island. As one of the first to be revived, alongside Orchid and Fabien, he is highly rumored to be in higher power than Orchid herself. Due to these rumors, he is a highly mysterious person in and out the island. First-generation Evangelians would only vaguely recognize him before joining the other inhabitants on the island.


  • Named and revived after the daisy family, Asteraceae
  • He is Chrysanthia's trusted right hand man, solely responsible for any other responsibilities She cannot resort to at the moment. Despite the high responsibility, this does not make him a ruler.
  • His past alludes to living in a small kingdom at the time of his previous life, but not much is there to confirm that.
  • He is a great cook, and learned how to do such from Fabien and other island inhabitants

Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Cooperative Lone wolf
Dom. hand Right
Attitude Laidback
Archetype Everyman
Leading trait Benevolent
Biggest flaw Mysterious


Fried Shrimp


Flower-centric perfume

Yellow and Blue


Domesticated Cats




Acoustic Covers

Life Before Evangeline

Aster's vague past life is unknown to him. Records of anything involving Aster is long gone from history. However, some birth records show that he was born under Rulid. Rulid, compared it's moreso tame and casual ruling, was absolutely horrendous for sticking to the roots of the horrible dictator ruling. He would die at the age of 21, and what had happened between Aster and Rulid is long gone from history.

Turning A New Life

The burgundy lad would begin his new life as an early lackey for Chrysanthia, the God responsible for his second chance. He was revived solely to help with constructing Evangeline as a society. It was soon to be told that it would be an island for natural rehabilitation, which he would also have some minor signifigance to it. Due to this honorable responsibility he has been given, he was extremely loyal to Chrysanthia. He'd also shown some extreme admiration for this goddess, and almost felt like he didn't deserve it; moreso got lucky.

Aster would soon later meet Orchid, and for quite a while, it was just those two. They became close after hearing what the two would be focusing on for the sake of Evangeline. They overall became friends, which wasn't the intention of Chrysanthia. Chrysanthia's intention of reviving Orchid in the first place was to reproduce more and more people for Evangeline, but both their orientations did not line up. Fabien would show up later to solve this dispute, and even their orientation didn't align. Chrysanthia would stop pestering the idea and just brought in more people, and later introduce second generations. Chrysanthia gifts Aster, along with Orchid and Fabien, immortality.

Chrysanthia's Impact


During the passing years, he would be promoted to be an assistant and direct contactor to Chrysanthia, since he was hold with a lot of responsibility from the start. He would keep things in check, like supply counts for first generation revival and documents, when She was away. Aster most times would be at home near Chrysanthia's castle, just so he has an easy access to reach Her for urgent needs. Aster would soon question his past, and this made him investigate around the castle, albiet carelessly. Eventually, Aster finds something he probably shouldn't have; origin documents. There were tons of origin documents that recorded just about the past life from one first-generation person in Evangeline, growing more everyday. Aster had no success to find him or his friend's documented pasts, which leads him into questioning about it to the goddess herself. Although it was a conversation about missing documents, it was one that some weren't ready to engage in. He passed this document off ever since.

Aster would attempt to bring their missing pasts into light with Orchid, Fabien, and veteran first-generation Evangelians, Chrysanthia would threaten him to not say anything. This would be one-off threats to just general blackmail that meant nothing to Aster in the long run to something more physical. Sometimes these threats do go into fruition, despite it being neither rational or morally correct. Aster had to stay silent about it, and even if he felt safe, She would always find out. He grew more silent about his interactions to even Orchid and Fabien unless it was something directly from Chrysanthia he had to deliver. He was silent about a lot of things, and felt like he needed to scream it all out to feel something. This turmoil would go on hundreds of years until he would meet Daisy, now Oxeye, and somewhat bond over experiences with Chrysanthia.

Daisy Arrives

Over the hundreds of years, Aster had helped with certain cases of reanimating a dead body, and knows what to do in most situations. However, Chrysanthia had recieved a new one in Her hands. This time, it was about reviving a person who had lost their entire lower half. At first, it felt near impossible, but with perservation, the goddess and him found a solution that was able to mimic and recreate the lower half of this person; a grass-like prosthetic that would fuse with the upper half. Although this would change how their lower body works, such as to save time and not replicate and assume their gender at birth, they would have to make sure they were able to digest and that was it. They were called Project Daisy. Chrysanthia was absolutely obsessed with Project Daisy, and Aster knew this from several miles away when the project started.

Aster would be in the dark for a hot minute when they decided the basics of Project Daisy. There was no report of a status from the person for weeks on end. This was until him, Orchid, and Fabien were called over by Chrysanthia to introduce themselves to Daisy. Although he would never see Daisy at least a few days later, Daisy would already expressed that she already had some bad vibes with Evangeline. He had felt the same, but he would vaguely mention about he did, hinting at warnings about a lot of flaws Evangeline had. This would lead in an arrange of actions by Daisy before Chrysanthia had come back to gather up a batch of more people to reanimate, and Aster would soon find out she would be leaving the island, wanting to bring him along. With the horrible responsibility of being the main assistant for Chrysanthia, he denied the offer. It was indefinite he wanted to go, but with the consequences he may face if She finds him, he couldn't. This would be the last time he would see and talk with Oxeye for a long time.

Evangeline Now




  • Cardigans
  • Cottagecore Aesthetic
  • Tea with Honey
  • Interaction with Others
  • MEN?!?
  • At this point, Chrysanthia
  • Crickets
  • Humidity
  • Grape Juice
  • Generally Loud Bugs

I wish your future endeavors on your escape, but do not be surprised when She finds you.