


2 years, 5 months ago




20 / Immortal 500+ Years

Human; Evangelian

Queen of Evangeline



Lemon Demon
DoB April 5th
Sign Aries
Pronouns She/Her
S.O. Lesbian

Height 5'4
Build Average
Eyes Violet
Skin Umber
Hair Midnight Brown


Orchid, Queen of Evangeline, is one of the three people that take over Evangeline in the stead of Chrysanthia, the founder of the animation rehabilitation island. She was the second to come along, and quite close to Aster's revival as well. She was first revived to be the goddess' expirement, but was soon later cancelled. Orchid would immediately prove her worth from her past backround of leadership and was promoted to Queen.


  • Named and revived after the orchid family, Orchidaceae
  • Orchid's job on the island is to lead the people of Evangeline, since a goddess leader would most likely soon be out of touch as time went on.
  • Orchid's record of leading is kept personal to Chrysanthia, but rumors state that she used to be the princess of a fallen kingdom. This kingdom has no name and barely any records.

Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Cooperative Lone wolf
Dom. hand Both
Attitude Realist
Archetype Sage
Leading trait Conscientious
Biggest flaw Discontented


Strawberry yogurt

Sparkling water

Morning dew






Pins, silver jewelry


Life Before Evangeline

Unlike Aster's vague backstory, Orchid has shown record of being a part of a kingdom faction at one point in history. She is conditioned with hyperthymesia and remembers small things from her past, yet quite blurry facts since her 500 and counting years of her revival. She remembers being a princess and remembers taking a degree of initiative for her faction. The kingdom was soon fallen, records of the kingdom would become lost media, and Orchid is one, if not, the lasting remembering survivor, now that she had revived.

Revived for Social Matters

The woman with dendrobium flowers woke up one day to find herself with a goddess, introducing Herself as Chrysanthia. Although still feeling a shiver of trauma from her past life as the time of her revival set in, Chrysanthia got her settled immediately, having her introduce herself to Aster. As the island was built, the two had gotten closer, and although Chrysanthia was the one to push them into Her expirement to reproduce, the goddess would find out that she doesn't want anything to do with men as far as just being friends with them. Outraged, Chrysanthia revived Fabien soon after, but only shortly realizing that they were aroace. Chrysanthia would soon forget the ordeal and continue on with her original plan for Orchid to deal with the main structure of Evangeline; the people.

Although Orchid was more than ready to rule over the island, the time she had there didn't affect the way she saw the goddess. At first, she was hesitant to rule over to what she saw as unethical zombies, but only soon realizing that she was one herself. Through a fight of denial, she accepted the fact that there would be no way out of the situation. Her final thoughts on the matter at the time was if she was going to be back into ruling, then at least she'll do her best to protect the people to the best of her ability.

Chrysanthia's Impact


Although Orchid didn't face much controversy with Chrysanthia or from the people, she kept her toes up whenever she did slip up. She always saw Chrysanthia as this being who can perfect everything, so she always felt uneasy ruling at times when she knew that She was watching. Chrysanthia does notice this pattern and She offered Orchid some "perks" for whenever she had to rule. It was only mentioned to her that the goddess would "take over" her body whenever She felt as if Orchid may slip up in public announcements. Orchid agreed to what seemed like a shallow agreement, but later on would find out that she was being controlled at times for different reasons.

The first instance that Chrysanthia took over her body was as a test. Although Chrysanthia didn't have to lift a finger at first, Orchid felt like she wasn't in control at all. Her body couldn't move, but when Chrysanthia motioned like her, it mimicked. This would be practiced at the next event, and it went relatively smoothly, albiet weird for Orchid at first since she was entirely not in control. Orchid would soon have realized the agreement would go deeper than just public announcements, it escalated to private conversations with government official assistants, some of the people, and even to Aster and Fabien. When confronted about it to Chrysanthia, She had successfully gaslit Orchid into thinking that maybe she had lost it, telling her she had no record into doing so. This had lead Orchid into losing all senses of her body when being controlled without her knowledge, disassociating and going limp whenever it had happened.

With her time in Evangeline, Orchid had no time to bring this up with Aster and Fabien, even the people she worked close with. With nobody to help, she thought she would scream in this lonely void for as long as she lived. The controversies had been shared to her, however with limited knowledge she made them for the sake of the big three's safety and privacy. Although she would never clearly share these with anyone, she was honestly so close with one other; a new revival who was Chrysanthia's most ambitious project to date.

Daisy Arrives

With the limited knowledge Orchid knew about Daisy at the time of her revival process, it was from Aster alone. He only mentioned that Chrysanthia had wanted to start a new method of revival, and Orchid took this knowledge with a grain of salt; since Orchid was highly aware of Her obsession issues whenever Aster had mentioned how She was towards him.

The moment that Orchid had met Daisy, she was incredibly formal as a first impression, and wouldn't see her until days later. Orchid would be bombarded with questions about Chrysanthia and the people of Evangeline, revealing that Orchid was technically not in power, but the goddess Herself. She would reveal other things about lifespans and how orchidaceae would only stay in sunlight for so long. It is also revealed that Chrysanthia may have an afformentioned "obsession issue" when it came to breakthroughs with people she had revived before, where she is confident that this happened when Aster was first revived. She would later reassure that this may not happen to Daisy, but a bit pessimistic about them leaving the island anytime soon.

Evangeline Now

WIP !!



  • Fireplaces
  • Long walks in the forest
  • Festivals
  • Flowers
  • Mornings
  • Cold weather
  • Humid weather
  • Orange juice
  • Long and crawling bugs
  • Chrysanthia..?

But I wish you in your endeavors, if Chrysanthia allows it.