Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus faucibus ante et lorem eleifend bibendum quis sit amet magna. Proin nec nulla eu velit iaculis sollicitudin. Fusce vitae tortor non odio varius viverra nec in odio. Maecenas quis sapien ante. Mauris dignissim dolor in felis laoreet, vel auctor lorem mollis. Sed at nulla aliquam dolor dapibus rutrum. In facilisis enim ut felis dictum, vel egestas mi sagittis. Phasellus et euismod arcu. Aliquam suscipit at velit in viverra.

^^^ Coming soon, also if you like this warning code you can find it here!

Also, I swear I'm gonna finish writing down the lore for my storylines/finish profile. They have like all this lore I swear I'm just bad at remembering to write it down. So, you know who you are and you can HUSH.

  • Favorite my characters/add them to dreamies folders/fav spam, it makes me happy that ppl enjoy my characters too so I don't mind it!
  • Nicknames (keep in mind: NOT PETNAMES)
  • Offer on characters outside of Comforts/Main Storylines
  • Content
  • Create NSFW content of my characters. I am a minor, as well as asexual, and most of my characters are at least one of the two.
  • Offer on main storyline characters/comforts
  • Flirt w/me. I have a bf and I am v. happy w/him.
  • Interact if you want to hate on someone for enjoying something that doesn't hurt anyone. That includes works with with problematic fandoms. For example: "Problematic DSMP fans DNI" fine. "Any and all DSMP fan DNI"? Please DNI, I've seen this kind of person be 10x worse than the fandom. And I can guarantee at least one person is going to read this and be upset that I'm not willing to interact with a group of people because some of them are bad, but before you come at me for it: it's exactly what you're doing! Don't bug me with your hypocrisy, respect the DNI 💪
 Content warning
  • A lot of my characters have traumatic backstories. I have many reasons why so many of them are like this, including letting them heal from their trauma does help me deal with my own. So pretty much every single backstory will have SOME form of trauma, but it's all properly hidden and has warnings attached.
  • I will commit war crimes for multi-eyed characters and other kinds of unsettling themes (think gore, hospital/medical themes, etc.). Once again, everything is hidden behind some form of warning.
  • Darkness Of Demons does use themes commonly associated with Christianity (Heaven/Angels and is centered around Hell/Demons). It has a lot of dark topics. Most of my storylines have dark topics but DOD has them in the spotlight far more than the other storylines in my opinion. 
  • Please. Read the profile warnings. If something is missing from the warnings LMK but for the most part I should have everything that I know needs warned for.
 Other important things
  • All art for my storylines (just the storyline itself, not the characters!) is created by Midjourney bot unless otherwise stated! I might forget to credit it for something so I'm putting this here just in case!
  • I do NOT use any of my storylines commercially (includes MystikaSMP), I make zero monetary profit off of them!
  • My characters are all used, even if it's not on their profile yet! I do little doodles of them when I'm bored, I roleplay with them, I do stuff for my storylines behind the scenes. But I promise you, if I have gotten or am trying to get a character, they are/will be used.
  • I have like 8 different storylines. Therefore, in order for these storylines to have a cast, I have what could be considered a lot of characters. Once again, I use them all. I just like having a lot of different characters for side storylines, more in depth-world building, etc. Even though not all of them are the main character, theyre still important. Therefore, unless otherwise stated, characters on this account are all NFS. General blanket rule that I'm not gonna write on every character profile.
  • I have DID, so if I start acting "weird" or refer to myself with plural pronouns instead of singular (Such as We instead of I, Ours instead of Mine, etc.) don't be alarmed (If you know me/us and I didn't tell you it's just cause I don't know how to approach the convo it's nothing personal lmfao)

Thanks for reading!

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

please be aware ALL Aenon's art and bits of his profile contains the following:

Body horror/gore (multiple eyes and exposed muscle tissue ((no blood/not detailed)))

medical themes / Imagry

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