Are you only looking for money or would you look at trades/art too?

hihi!! I would consider trades as well ^^

Awesome!  Would anyone here: or here; or here: (Milo, Dixxie and Panda are tent) interest you?  I can do multiple

Sorry I didn’t see anyone I would use! ty for the offer tho 🫶

No worries!  Thank you anyways!

How much are you looking for on them? or what were you looking for?

$150 preferably but I can take as low as $110 ^_^b!!

If you're still looking for USD for them, please let me know! 

Can I draw a half bod of character of yours for them? Well if they are ufo that is

Art examples , ,

Hey! I'm sorry, but since he's worth over $100, I'll have to pass

Oh that’s alright! ^^