Romeo Cabaras




Don Romeo Cabaras

Head of the Cabaras Family Syndicate

 "Then maybe I'd rather be feared than loved!"

 Romeo is an old cat, He's made his way in the world through power and created an active illegal weapons trade. Now he runs weapons with the help of numerous other cats out of the street, and has created a multi-million empire beneath him. Though he's been able to uphold his power for many years, his age is starting to wear down his ability to conduct business. Coupled with some unpleasant revelations about his declining health, Romeo is looking for a way out, either out of the family to retire or out of his health issues to run his business. Torn between his mortality and his lifestyle, Romeo is looking for a miracle.
Moodboard | Playlist


AC: 10

HP: 49
















 Romeo's Stats are updated as the game progresses.

Early Life

 Romeo was born and raised by a family of farmers. When he was a kitten, he was given to the youngest son (Massimo) as a father's dying gift. This gift seemed unfair from the beginning, as the other two sons were gifted the Home and Farm. The youngest son was left on the street with only Romeo to keep him company. In order to help the poor boy live his life, Romeo looked to his charms to make money for his owner

 Through his influence, Romeo managed to start acquiring, wielding, and selling weapons to find an economic foothold. As his work got more complicated, he started to onboard more help with his operation. As the years continued, Romeo was making considerable amounts of money for his company and his owner. His personality started to change as he gained more power and influence. As his buisness became larger, his jobs became more extreme. While evading the law, Romeo was becoming a kingpin of his operation and began to foster an enviroment for more illegal ventures.

Current Day

 Today, Romeo has become a master at running his business operations. Though his days of working at street level have passed him, he's become an icon of power in crime circles. As hes aged, he's noticed his health declining slowly. After a particular hospital visit, Romeo was advised that his days are indeed numbered. Romeo has elected to hide this fact from his syndicate for fear of being removed from his position (either with mercy or otherwise). However, he's slowly becoming more desperate for a solution for his issues. With no living blood relatives to look out for him, he needs to fend for himself.

 As of the current Campaign, Romeo has taken on a quest alongside three other adventurers. In his absence, he has appointed Bugsy to keep up with buisness for him. Romeo would not usually be so trusting, but the potental payoff for this quest is nothing short of a miracle

AGE: Late 70's (In Cat Years)

GENDER: Cis Male



HEIGHT: Just Under a Meter

WEIGHT: Heavyset

BUILD: Out of Shape

FUR: Grey Tabby

EYES: Green

JOB: Crime kingpin

Though being a talking cat isn't exactly "unique" its the closest he comes to displaying any form of in-universe magic. He is capable of communicating with other non-speaking animals (though communicates better with other felines).

Romeo ages slower than a normal cat but faster than a human, meaning his true age is around 35 human years.




Prescription Medication


Knee Brace


Handgun (x2)

Collected Items:
  • Wallet with identification, personal photos, and cash ($200.84 CAD)
    • Photos in Wallet, Organized from Most to Least Accessible
      • Formal Photo of Romeo taken by a professional 
      • Newspaper clipping of Romeo and Bugsy being help in police custody
      • Romeo in a wedding party with his business partners around him
      • Candid photo of Romeo with Massimo at a New Years party
      • Extremely delicate and washed out personal photo of Massimo holding Romeo when he was just a kitten
  • Prescription Medication
  • Knee brace for his Left Knee
  • Two handguns and a Chest Holster (Ammunition is implied but not defined, Guns are always loaded unless stated otherwise)
  • The Clothes off his Back (Hat, Cape, Shirt, Undershirt, Pants, Belt, and Boots)
  • A Size-appropriate Health Potion
  • Items looted from Bed and Breakfast: Lotion, Soap, Hand towel, Bible
  • Single Crystalline eye from the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
  • Miniature bottle of Bourbon
  • 6 disassembled miniature Molotov Cocktails
  • Lethal Squirt-gun (Gift from Business Associate, Ronno)
  • Grey branded band shirt with "The Wolf" printed on it in bright pink letters
  • Makeup jar filled with a powdered Memory-based neurotoxin
  • A Set of new clothing (two shirts, two pairs of pants, a lighter-weight cape)
  • Specialty-made polish sausage (consumed)
  • One half of the ransom note (list of items, written by hand very small)
  • Sample of High-end catnip from Sprocket
  • Official Investigation Documents found in the Royal Files that connect Romeo's Business
    • Arrest photos for Mob members Lucky, Vito, Massimo, and Bugsy
    • Arrest and Publicity Documents for Lucky, Vito, and Bugsy
  • Bathrobe, Stolen from the Hotel
  • Handkerchief borrowed from the Gingerbread House
  • ...