Dr. Georgette Varanus



4 years, 2 months ago


name Dr. Georgette K. Varanus
age 68
gender Female
pronouns She/Her
Orientation Lesbian
Occupation Retired Biologist
Demeanor A little strange..

code jiko


Highly respected in her feild, Dr. Varanus was the lead expert on bacterial infection, with a focus on the abilities of the komodo dragon. With numerous doctorates and an undying love for the lizard species, Georgette started working on numerous ways to utlize these unique species' venom for consumers. When the weight of her carrer becomes too much and her work starts to get the attention of unsavory stockholders, she snaps. Taking with her three of her test lizards, Dr. Varanus quits her job and falls off the grid. But a few reliable scources claim she's been continuing her work in private...

Science, Komodo Dragons, Black Coffee, Textbooks, Disco, Sterile Work Enviroments, Hydrengas, Collecting Beauty Products, Hardware Stores, Vanilla-scented Candles, Velvet, Cashmere, Funky Jewelry, Beautiful Women, Carniverous Plants, Campy Horror, HER THREE DARLING DRAGONS!!
Messy workspaces, Pushy Men, Silver Jewlery, Cold days, Dry Skin, Apples, Decaf Coffee, Early Spring, Chalk, Most unplesant textures, The many things that lead to her "retirement"


Georgette grew up a curious and studious child. What she lacked in her ability to socialize with her peers, she more than made up for with her fondness of reading. Georgette had a strng fixation on reptiles ever since she was young and could be found outside capturing wild animals to learn about. Her fondness for biology lead her to persure a career in animal care, and in college she found a special focus on chemistry and reptile behavior. She spent most of her tme studying komodo dragons and quicky became one of the top scholars of the species. She spent decades with the animals, working to find uses for thier unique phisiology and new ways to protect and cultivate the species. As the scope of her work grew, so did the attention in garnered. While on the horizion of new reaserch about the dangers of dragon venom, some rather unsavory stockholders started paying especially close attention to her work. With the growing pressure of her job and the looming fears of her work falling into th wrong hands, Dr. Varanus left her job. Offical scources call it her "retirement" but her peers know it was much more sudden. Within only a few hours, Dr. Varanus had stolen three dragons from her lab and fallen off the grid entirely.

With only her three new pets to keep her company, Georgette suffered what could only be described as a nervous breakdown. She became more irratic and nervous as she continued her reaserch in private. In an effort to keep food on the table, Georgette adopted a more nomadic lifestyle and joined a small circus as an animal tamer. Her big personality and her lovely lizards made her a hit with crowds. With lots of bonding, her three dragons (now named Giovanni, Geoffery, and Georgi) are as tame and sweet as puppies.

Design Notes
  • Tall and Thin with a bony frame.
  • Dark skin, please don't whitewash
  • Has a slight tooth gap
  • Georgette and her dragons are named after St. George, who famously killed a dragon
  • Voice Claim is Ertha Kitt
  • Since joining the circus, Georgette has kept her private life incredibly private. Only a few people even know she's still alive

Music Box
I wanna be evil, i wanna be mad
but more than that, i wanna be bad