Rosalie Sorrowmoore



Rosalie Sorrowmoore



Rosalie Divina Sorrowmoore



Scourge Aasimar


Lives in
The Sword Coast

March 16th




Let Me In Murder

... I'm going to explode now.


Rosalie is an Aasimar Paladin, fairly fresh from her training and having been released onto the world to kill evil creatures. Unfortunately, her first task was to kill the Vampire Lord Strahd.


Rosalie stands at about 6'6", and has a muscular build. Her body is very warm to the touch, skin smooth and nearly flawless, however she has black ash burned permanently around her eyes. Underneath, she has a few tattoos of simple lines. Her eyes themselves are two different shades, one being blue-ish, the other being more purple. Her hair is almost golden, but at the roots and tips darkens to a more brunette colour. She often wears it up in an untidy bun, ponytail, or just folded up and held with a pin.


Rosalie is very timid and shy, quite nervous in social situations. When it comes to planning, she enjoys taking a leadership role, knowing she can take and deal hits if trouble arises, but when it comes to any diplomacy or social situations, she will often panic and talk in circles. While her confidence overall has increased in her time in Barovia, she will almost always panic when faced with talking with new people.


  • Euron
  • Reading books
  • A warm summer's day


  • Seeing people hurt
  • Exploding
  • Snow


Rosalie was born on Sorrowmoore farm, and immediately her parents knew she was different from a normal child- they saw her almost glow with a light golden shimmer, and her eyes, rather than blue, were a striking purple. She grew up mostly around her family, save for the sparse times she met other kids her age, and even then she felt it hard to relate to them with how much taller and different she appeared. She helped her family with farmwork, but upon her 13th birthday, Rosalie unexpectedly exploded with radiant light as her Deva called upon her. She became dangerous, exploding unexpectedly nearly every day, and her parents, exhausted, called on a church in a town many miles away for help. Rosalie was taken there, and seeing it as a sign, the church transferred her to a Temple in the nearest city, where she trained to be a paladin. Her Deva now commands her, as a fully trained paladin, to slay evil wherever she goes, or face painful consequences.



Rosalie was unsure of the Elven bard at first, finding them charismatic but unsure if they were trustworthy with their honeyed words. Slowly, she realised they were more than they let on, trying to sprinkle good deeds among their hunger for stories. It was when they perished in an explosion she caused and she read a confession within a letter they had left that she realised she may have feelings for them, and the two have steadily become closer, and are basically dating, though not actually official. (Art by my friend Rachel!)


Rosalie relates a lot to Disparity- they're both quite quiet and awkward, as well as seasoned killers of undead. She also appreciates their humourous streak, how they can sometimes be quite playful, and, to be honest, it can bring out the worst in Rosalie. She would like to get to know them further, though finds herself a little shy still at times. (Art by Hearthdraws on IG!)


Rosalie relates a lot to Kassandra too, being more a killer of evil creatures and undead rather than individuals. She worries about her a lot, though, but can never really find the time to ask if she's alright. She enjoys ehr company, and hopes that, if they both survive Barovia, they can be closer friends in the future. (Art by my friend Ludde!)


Ferna and Rosalie have had a very difficult relationship. The two were polar opposites, and Rosalie frankly found Ferna's attitude intolderable, threatening her on several occasions. Things came to heightened tensions when Rosalie found out her patron was a Devil, and she admitted to Ferna that while she didn't want to, she might have to kill her. As the halfling has become more good aligned, changed patrons, and been walking a new path, Rosalie finds herself proud of her, and honoured to witness her journey firsthand. (Art by Shleyy!)


Rosalie is a level 12 Paladin of Vengeance. The campaign she was in has concluded!

Theme by Circlejourney