Osana's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

LeafJelly Global Rules

LeafJelly's Terms of Service

  1. Credit to me as the designer must stay visible on TH page and in any off-site repostings of the character, such as to other character storage hubs or to personal websites.
  2. My designs may not be used without permission as heavy inspiration for a new character design made by third parties.
    1. This includes using my designs as inspiration material for PAID custom design work by other artists. It's okay to be inspired and reference it for your own creation, but it’s not allowed to copy many elements all at once. I define heavy referencing as having multiple recognizable traits that when combined, look similar to an existing design I've made.
  3. You may retrade, resell, and regift my designs.
    1. My designs may be resold ONLY FOR EQUAL VALUE while in your procession, including the original purchasing price and any commissioned works. Commissioned art can only be added to total reselling price for commissioned arts received during your ownership of the design.
    2. You may not add gifted art nor art commissioned by previous owners to the value of your resell.
    3. If you originally received the design in a trade from me, you may only resell the character for the worth any commissioned art works following the rules above.
  4. You can make changes to the design with respect to the origina design.
  5. You are not allowed to whitewash my designs skin tones. If the original design has black features and black skin, you are not allowed to redesign to remove their black features, the design MUST stay as the same race. This includes intentionally changing Asian skintones into white skintones. Examples of POC features that cannot be removed from my designs: dreadlocks and POC skin tones.
    1. The only exception is changing an Asian coded design into a black coded design; the vice versa of this is not allowed. (TDLR: If the original design is a POC, the design must stay as a POC.)
  6. My design art (not commissioned art) may be edited slightly with respect to the original design. Some acceptable examples include: changing the color palette, adding accessories, adjusting clothing, changing the hair style.
  7. Adopts/designs are only for personal use. If you wish to use them commercially, please discuss it with me.
  8. My designs may not be used in any cryptocurrency transactions or activities.
  9. My designs may not be used to train AI algorithms without my explicit and written permission.
  10. My designs may not be used to promote, portray, and/or endorse any hate speech, anti-LGBTQIA, racist, white supremist, neo-nazi, anti-indigenous, incest, or pedophilic content.
  11. In purchasing/acquiring a design from me you agree to these rules. Failure to comply may result in blocking and blacklisting prohibiting you from owning any further designs created by me.
  12. My designs may NOT be traded to any blacklisted users. Knowingly trading to a blacklisted user will result in being blacklisted.
  1. DO NOT remove my code credits.
  2. DO NOT redistribute purchased codes to anyone, not even privately. Each pay to use code/code bundle is intended for one user. Redistrubuting purchased codes underminds the time and work I put into making the code.
  3. Turn off WYSIWYG before using my HTML codes and while editing! If you don't, it'll get messed up. You can find this in your display settings.
  4. You can modify and frankestein my codes with credit to all the source codes, and only if the other coders allow it.
  5. You may not redistribute frankesteined codes under your own name, claiming it as your own work. Privately sharing frakensteined codes with a small group of friends is okay.
  6. You're allowed to heavily modify my codes, as long as credit to me stays on the page.
  7. Failure to comply to these rules may result in being blacklisted.
  8. Blacklisted/blocked users are NOT ALLOWED to use any of my codes. Knowingly redistrbuting my codes to blacklisted/blocked users will resultin being blacklisted.
  1. My commissioned and gifted art is NOT ALLOWED to be modifyed nor edited. The expection to this rule, are artworks made as original designs references. Refer to rule 4-6 of the Design Rules.
  2. Any repostings of my art must have a credit linking back to one of my social media links.
  3. My art is only for personal use. If you wish to use it commercially, please discuss it with me.
  4. My art may not be used in any cryptocurrency transactions or activities.
  5. My art may not be used to train AI algorithms without my explicit and written permission.
  6. My art may not be used to promote, portray, and/or endorse any hate speech, anti-LGBTQIA, racist, white supremist, neo-nazi, anti-indigenous, incest, or pedophilic content.
  7. In recieving art from me you agree to these rules. Failure to comply after repeated offenses may result in blocking and blacklisting prohibiting you from owning any further designs created by me, and prohibiting you from commissioning me.

Do not harass any of these users.

  • yesile - Personal Reasons
  • KingFreak - Personal Reasons
  • MythicalDewdrop - Personal Reasons
  • RejectedAnimatronic / Jayaya - Personal Reasons
  • Omelette_ (TH)
  • NSA / awooga / EAT
  • Sal / Cherry-Guro
  • murderfolk / bride
  • maws