Micheal "Mike" Martinez



2 years, 2 months ago


Once you pull the trigger you can't put the bullet back in the gun.
Micheal Martinez
37 years old
Cis Male (he/him)
Mike, Sheriff Martinez
Biromantic Bisexual (Deeply in Denial)
American (White)

As the sheriff, Mike is a natural-born leader, taking his job very seriously, but of course... not too seriously. He cares deeply for his department, and while his heart lies with the law, he will not hesitate to go out of his way and deal with things off the books.

After being suspended for shooting a definitely-NOT-a-dog, Mike's ended up in the monsterhunting business. Right now monsterhunting is just a pursuit to get his revenge and kill time... right?

  • Monster of the Week character.
  • His playbook is the custom playbook, The Law.
  • Sheriff of Lyon County, Nevada where he was born and raised.
  • Eldest brother, two younger (Kodey, Andrew), Mother passed away naturally. Is an uncle.
  • Loyal/Loose Cannon
  • Vengance vs Justice
Height 6'4" (1.94m)
Weight ~178 lbs (80kg)
Build Athletic/Trapezoid
Hair Dirty Blonde (#856442)
Skin Tan (#bc876a)
Eyes Dark brown (#291b0c)

Mike dresses like basically any rural Sheriff, checkered shirts, jeans, his hat, and of course, his cowboy boots. The police-issued bulletproof vest helps with monsterhunting though.

Mike's very tall and has an athletic build. His face is more circles/ovals than his square body.

  • Sheriff hat, blue jeans & checkered shirts, cowboy boots, hidden vest.
  • Dirty blonde hair, cowboy moustache. Dark brown eyebrows/stache
  • Almond, dark brown eyes + Pointed nose
  • Long (roundish) face
  • Very Tall, Trapezoid Bodyshape
MBTI ESTP – The Entrepreneur
Enneagram 7w8 – The Opportunist
Demeanor Reserved but Casual/Intense
Tarot Justice

Enthusiastic, that's definitely a word to describe Mike. Maybe a bit too much. A confident leader, with great compassion and loyalty that runs deep, Mike's role as Sheriff comes naturally.

But Mike has difficulty doing any but his job, being a bit of a workaholic. Plus he's a little obnoxious with all that enthusiasm and stubborn about his ways. Not to mention his temper and well, you've heard the rumours that he's a bit of a loose cannon...

Strongest Traits Loyal/Loose Cannon
Prioritises Which Stat? Tough
Cautious or Impulsive? Impulsive
Beliefs Irreligious (Raised Catholic)
Dramatic Poles Vengance vs Justice

What They Fear Feeling Useless/No Freedom
What They Want (Short-Term) Find the Werewolf
What They Want (Long-Term) Protect and Serve/Be With Family
What They're (Not) Willing To Do To Get It Everything needs to be justified, whether it be by the law or his own morals.

Order Their Priorities Family/Friends, Justice, Work (Sheriff), Work (Monsterhunting), Pleasure, Truth, Praise, Health, Love, Power, Wealth, Fame, Home , Other's Opinions

Goals & Dreams

Mike's only real dream throughout his life has to become Sheriff. And he got it and then got it taken away from a not-dog. Now stuck with suspension, he's got time to kill... and a werewolf. Deep down, Mike wants a family but struggles with putting anyone in front of his job.

  • Kill the werewolf.
  • Return home after his suspension.
  • Protect and serve.
  • Ultimately, be with 'family'.

Secrets & Fears

Mike lost count of the number of skeletons in his closet. He'll say he doesn't regret it, and he mostly doesn't. Mike hates feeling useless and lacking freedom, truly fearing being unable to help.

  • General corruption and loose canon behavior.
  • Assaulted a prosecuted person because they were an abuser.
  • Turning a blind eye to Julia's actions.
  • Slightly afraid of horses, will never admit this.
Q: How did Mike become a monsterhunter? Does he intend to keep doing this?

I suppose it is. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quasi quisquam blanditiis minus molestias non error possimus ratione molestiae, eligendi similique eos fugit. Corporis laboriosam labore sapiente voluptatibus eveniet repudiandae reprehenderit.

Kick Ass Charm Calm Investigation Magic Helping


  • Experienced Sheriff

    Mike's trained and experienced in law enforcement, trained with guns, tactics and knowledge of the law.

  • Fuck Around & Find Out

    Mike's extremely confident, probably problematically. A natural leader and level-headed (except for his temper), he adapts quickly.


  • Act First, Think Later

    While Mike is capable of complex tactics and analysis, Mike's definitely more the... reckless type. Not the best trait in monsterhunting.

  • In Pursuit of Justice

    Mike values justice over most things. Being extremely stubborn and vengeful, if Mike's not on the team's side, god help them.


Your character can do all the basic hunter including: Manipulate Someone, Act Under Pressure, Help Out, Investigate a Mystery, Read a Bad Situation, Kick Some Ass, Protect Someone and Use Magic.

MOVE: Natural Authority

Before you manipulate someone, you may choose to state your authority. On a 7+, they will do what you ask within reason, but will do so reluctantly and will refuse to help you further. The normal effects from a 7-9 and 10+ on manipulate someone are removed. This will work even if a person would normally not be swayed by your position being revealed.

STYLE: Loose Cannon

When you do something completely reckless, hold 2. These can be spent one-for-one to give +1.
Police Explorer

[ VEHICLE SURVEILLANCE_GEAR CONCEALED_WEAPONS LOUD ] Mobility: You have a truck/van/car built for monsterhunting. Police vehicle, sirens broken and goes off though.
Bulletproof Vest

[ 1-ARMOR ] Mike's police vest that he typically wears. Is he allowed to have this? Maybe...
.38 Revolver

[ 2-HARM CLOSE RELOAD LOUD ] A family revolver is passed down from all the generations of sheriffs/deputies in his family and was given to him by his dad when he got sheriff.
Assault Rifle

[ 3-HARM FAR AREA LOUD RELOAD ] A police issued assualt rifle. Mike keeps it in the car.
Stun Gun

[ 0-HARM CLOSE STUN ] A police issued stun gun.
Monsterhunting Kit

[ ASSUMED ] Typical monsterhunting equipment that you assume your character has (and stuff they can grab from the car).
Sheriff Hat

[ n/a ] Mike's Sheriff hat. A family heirloom that's been in the family for a few generations. Mike always has it somewhere.

  1. Dad & Andrew & Julia in Fernley, Nevada.
  2. Kodey, Monday & Matthew in Lee Vining, California.
  3. Loyalty/Obligation to Lyon County Sheriff Department, Fernley, Nevada.
  4. 'Falsely accused' and suspended for killing a dog (and other things).
  5. Assaulted a prosecuted person because they were an abuser. Person has been released.
  6. Revolver and hat are family heirlooms.
  7. General stresses of job and corruption.
  8. Turning a blind eye to Julia's actions.
Any part of your back story is considered a knife. These knives will be used to integrate your character into the world and get you invested in the story. I may break your knives into smaller, sharper knives with which to stab you. Or I may bundle different characters' knives together into one GIANT knife.


Born and raised in Fernley, Lyon County, Nevada. Mike had a good childhood, with his parents and two younger brothers. An ADHD child, Mike was chaotic; climbing trees, rock-climbing, Scouts, football, everything athletic. But, he always wanted to be a Sheriff like his dad. He was a good big brother (but he always was the coolest), and he had a good amount of friends. A C-grade student unless he enjoyed it, in which he got As.

That Mike's got a lot of potential... and the kid clearly knows what he wants!


The teen years made Mike a bit more intense, but no less athletic. He kept playing American football, and embraced a jock lifestyle. Still in Scouts as well, his grades still suffered from disinterest. Having a few girlfriends here and there, Mike was still totally cooler then his brothers. His parent's expectations dampened him a little, but he knew what he wanted.

Now if only Mike could be as interested in school as he is football, girls or becoming a police officer...


After school, Mike worked as Tow Driver for Police Force, never letting his goal leave his eyes. He also worked with Scouts as he waited till he could finally join the Police Academy. After that, Mike passed with flying colours and climbed the ranks to Sheriff.

Mike's had many girlfriends but many stuck long enough for him to grieve over the loss. While his brothers found love, Mike founded a family in his Sheriff's Office. Work was Mike's love, and that was good enough for him.

I'll tell you, that's one dedicated officer. When Officer Martinez becomes Sheriff one day, none of us should be surprised.


Except when he shot, well, it wasn't a dog. Something that looked, well, inhuman. Then being suspended for killing it ("It didn't die!" "Sheriff Martinez the blood on the scene proves that impossible."), and being led down a rabbit hole led Mike too well, monster-hunting.

Oh Mike? He's well, he's a monsterhunter, I guess. Got his heart elsewhere though.


  • Drinking/Cigarettes/Cigars
  • Family
  • Sex


  • Guns
  • Gambling
  • Casual TV


  • Not Working
  • Disrespect
  • Commitment
  • Cannot ride a horse and is slightly afraid of them. Would not admit this.
  • Is child-free for many reasons, but especially doesn't want to pay child Helping.
  • Has plenty of monogamous short-term relationships. Doesn't do hookups, but can never seem to commit to long-term. Was more of a player when he was younger.
  • Typical weekend includes working, working and thinking about working.
  • Sees his team as family.
  • Has experience in the Scouts, and American Football.
  • Probably Republican.