
8 years, 9 months ago



Name Taos Ten'nek
Title Pack Leader / Doctor
Age 41
Gender Male
Race Werewolf
Moodboard Here
Alignment Light
Playlist None

"The silence since her death echoes louder than any howl, any night wind. The scalpel chills my palm, a constant reminder of the oath I swore. But vengeance simmers in my gut, a venomous brew demanding release. Each sunrise fuels the battle within, scalpel versus dagger, doctor versus wolf. Will dawn ever bring peace, or will the depths claim me?"


  • Grey
  • Bathhouses
  • Leera's Cooking
  • Being a Caretaker


  • One
  • Two
  • Three
  • The Organization

A Brief History

Anguish etches itself into the corners of Taos' eyes, each silver streak whispering of a love stolen, a life shattered. The Tenn'ek pack leader, a man of quiet strength wrapped in an aura of old-world grace, grapples with an ache that runs deeper than any wound.

His days are painted in shades of mourning: the sterile grey of the hospital reflecting an insatiable hollowness within, the echo of her laughter in the grand, ancient villa – a constant reminder of what he's lost. Annie, his anchor, his sunshine, ripped away by the ruthless fangs of "The Organization", a group with a single mission: wipe out the wolves plaguing the continent.

Revenge simmers in his blood, a primal growl against the injustice. Justice demands a reckoning, a storm to match the tempest in his soul-- yet his hands, meant for healing, clench a scalpal instead of a dagger, a constant struggle between oath and vengeance.

He leads his pack with a gentleness that belies the storm within. In their eyes, he sees a reflection of his own pain, and his heart aches for them too. He is their shepherd, their solace, the embodiment of a strength tempered by kindness-- it is his task to lead them in safety, to give them security; but at night, when the shadows lengthen and silence screams her name, the battle rages. Doubt claws at his resolve, whispering promises of solace through retribution. How do you hold onto the light when darkness offers such seductive ease?

Alignment and Motivations


Taos is a symphony of contradictions: mourning husband, stoic leader, gentle healer, and a wolf yearning for justice. He walks a tightrope, his future a canvas painted in shades of grief, hope, and the ever-present hunger for vengeance. Will he choose the cold comfort of the dagger, or will the scalpel remain his beacon, guiding him through the storm? Only time will tell the final verse of his song.


This character's roleplay materials may contain strong violent and sexual themes - minors do not interact.



Annie [ late wife ]

"Annie was... a ray of sunshine. That souns silly and trite even in my own ears, but really... she was like sunflowers catching the last rays of a summer storm, a field of wheat swaying in the golden afterglow of a long day. THe way the light caught at the edges of her hair... Her laugh made the most lovely birdsong sound dull. She was warmth and kindness and gentle intelligence. She lit up everything around her, everyone."


Name [ position ]


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