Miscellaneous (Friends & Mutuals)



List of friends, mutuals & cool people you should follow!

My very skilled and amazing partner since October 2022!


I AM SO GAY FOR THEM!!! They're always here for me and we have so many fun project ideas to do together and I'm really excited to work on those with them. They also accept me for who I am and they're incredibly forgiving when it comes to my traumas and I genuinely can't wait to go even further in our relationship eventually! :D

Closest friends (sorted alphabetically)

Blackveii cy-chin DeltaZero Koisua Paradecim

Blackveii, cy-chin, DeltaZero, Koisua, Paradecim

raiying Splitathon vvvanii xuxu zenx

raiying, Splitathon, vvvanii, xuxu, zenx

I am very often talking to them, and I consider them to be my closest friends! I love helping them out and I get support from them no matter how hard my struggles are to deal with at times. They've helped me get over a lot of my traumas regarding both my real life and my online life and I can never be grateful enough for this! I enjoy every single second of my time with them! I'm really happy they all chose to stick around despite us not always talking every day!

I often do adopt collabs with close friends, which can be found at Prismafilia!

Friends & cool people!

These are people I consider friends or very cool mutuals, but not close enough to be on the top, mostly because we don't talk nearly as much! But, this can change for the better, that's for sure! I do enjoy talking or just, having fun with them, when they're around and they make me very happy!

alpacaduelist, ArtistMess, Artist_Nerd, KanjiTheBloodedge, Magixin, Metanyu (since 2017!), Myiabi, PolySMG2, RiskOfChaos, RuneDaFox, sarurun, ScriptError, smallsmartkitty, scrunkly_scrimblo, Skfuu, WeafyAnna