Fern's Comments

An idea is that they are the CEO of a major and popular producer. They are extremely successful (and are still working on their own music) in the business but they are a witch and they have a side business where artifacts, occult items, etc, are delivered but because of their magical power, they have to rely on a human to deliver it.

I have this idea of a company that somehow made it to the big leagues. In the eyes of customers, It’s trendy, It’s the real deal, and what not a lot of people know Is It’s run by monsters. It would just be about how monster are like in modern time, as at the same time trying to find their place in a company. Fern here is one of the Human Resources managers. You’d expect someone like them to be part of the fashion team, but no they like to deal with humans. They like forming bonds and friendships with humans, but that's really just an excuse they say to others. They actually work that job just to get energy from humans. Some say Fern is the reincarnation of the egyptian goddess, Bastet. They'll lure you in with their eyes, and suck the energy out of you. But Fern doesn't really think of himself as a demon or a vampire, just a god needy for a taste of energy. And the whole company is full of monsters, only a few of the employees are mere humans.

I think they would be perfect for my idea! I would write more but I feel like I wrote a little too much than what you want.

She looks kinda sassy lol

I kinda wanna have her as the friend that would be worried about her friends all the time but she would try to appear cool so she would not show it at all. 

I'm kinda awkward about this so it is not well known but I love writing and drawing in my free time so I would surely write about various situations of her with others.

Sorry if I wrote too much ^^''

I would use her as the owner of a large Fashion chain. She would do many shows and i would write stories for those shows. She would be the fashion DIVA!