Masao Oshiro



6 years, 6 months ago



Killing Status

Role: Victim
Status: Comatose
Voice Claim: Laurent, Fire Emblem Awakening
Creator: artisticGamer98 (me)
Layout by Jayden   •   Image by Unknown


Impassive • Orderly • Patient
NameMasao OshiroBirthdateOctober 31st
GenderMaleBlood TypeO
Height5'11" (180 cm)LikesPeace, Common Interest
Weight136 lbs (62 kg)DislikesDisorder, unnecessary uncouthness
Chest35" (89 cm)TalentUltimate Exorcist

Masao Oshiro was born into an upper-class family that has been a family of exorcists for generations. Yet when he was barely 7, it was recorded that Masao started acting out of character, not acting as himself. Strangely in a house of exorcists, the heir of the family had gotten possessed. They promptly began exorcising the young boy immediately, having to go through several rounds to remove the demonic entity. Masao was never fully himself after, saying he didn’t remember anything of what happened. Even though he does not remember, he soon becomes a magnet for non-malevolent spirit entities until they are able to pass on.

Masao is now in his late teens and is barely able to take care of himself, being barely a healthy weight. He can go for almost a week at a time without needing to talk, being eerily silent throughout the time. Masao will only talk if a person talks to him and responds to him again after, if not he will stay quiet for the rest of the time that the person is there.

Masao is the only one in his family with extreme narcolepsy, passing out at random, and mostly at inopportune times. His family refuses to take him to any medical professional, saying that he will get better if he wills himself to. With this he has major trouble going to bed at night, and barely can even function the morning after, needing three cups of pitch black coffee to wake him up enough to be considered a functional human being.