Piper Lang (Leafhopper)



2 years, 2 months ago


Everything here is a WIP!

Piper Lang



Piper Lang


48 (Endgame)

Leafhopper, Pie, Pipe, "The jumpy one", "Gaudy insect", "Miss Leaps-a-Lot", "Leafy"

Powers & Abilities
Flight, Size manipulation, Super-jump, Insect manipulation, Enhanced hearing, Technological skills

New York, New York (briefly), San Francisco, California (current)








Title Title


Piper was born as the younger of the two Lang children. Growing up, she and Scott were very close. They did everything together, including school, college, and even prank calls in their teenage years. They're often thought inseperable, and would do anything to protect the other.

After the two had graduated from college, Scott began stealing from criminals and giving back to those they had stolen from. Piper always made it known that he could land in big trouble one day, but Scott assured her that he always had good intentions. After Cassie was born, Scott swore to stop stealing - much to Piper's relief. He then took a job at Vistacorp along with his sister, who worked in the company's IT department. When Scott was arrested and sent to prison for stealing from Vistacorp, Piper was both appaled and shocked. She expressed her extreme disappointment in her brother, though he tried to explain that he'd done it because the company was stealing from its customers. The siblings' relationship then broke apart, as Scott was sent to prison and Piper took a job in New York City at the Metro-General Hospital, working in cybersecurity. With her time off, Piper would often visit Scott's wife and her daughter Cassie, who always looked up to Piper and thought it was cool that her aunt was "protecting computers from bad guys", as she put it.


Piper has the basic abilites that the Ant-Man suit has:

Size Manipulation

Piper can shrink to the size of an ant, and can grow to gigantic sizes - albeit this requires a lot more energy and can cause her to faint, much like Scott.

Insect Manipulation

Like Scott, Piper has the ability to communicate with insects using the EMP Communication Device. She even has a pet leafhopper of her own that she's fondly named Jumpy.

The Leafhopper suit also has abilities incorporated from the Wasp suit, such as flight and enhanced reflexes. The newest ability that is exclusive to the Leafhopper suit is that of super jump - an ability that allows Piper to leap far distances in a single bound. She is still figuring out the right balance - too high of a jump and she'll fling herself halfway across the room, too low of a jump and she'll go nowhere at all.


Piper is a fun-loving and outgoing type of person. She's always eager to join her brother and the Pyms on their escapades, whether it's fighting by their side or on the sidelines using tech. She's very much like Scott - she has a tongue-in-cheek sense of humor and is always up for a joke or laugh. Piper will take any chance she gets to make a bug pun or a quip while fighting bad guys.

Although affable, Piper can be incredibly stubborn and set in her ways. Usually she'll try to prove a point, no matter how long it takes.


  • Leafhoppers & ants
  • Junk foods / icecream
  • Scott's magic tricks


  • Darren Cross / Yellowjacket
  • Spiders
  • Peanut butter




Ant-Man and the Wasp


Relationships (WIP)

Scott Lang / Ant-Man

Scott Lang is Piper's older brother and partner-in-crime. The two siblings are inseperable and play off eachother well, with people often joking that they share the same brain cell.

Cassie Lang

Cass is Piper's niece, who refers to her as the "fun aunt". The two share a love for the make-believe, and Piper is always willing to entertain Cass with made-up tales. She even tells stories about Leafhopper and Ant-Man saving the world and beating up bad guys - though she might embelish the truth just a bit.

Stephen Strange

At first, the two saw eachother as enemies, or at least bothersome - Stephen thought Piper to be too enthusiastic and friendly, likewise she thought him to be insufferable and arrogant. But as their friendship grew, they started forming a stronger bond with eachother.

Hank Pym

Hank Pym is the one who created the Leafhopper suit for Piper - an old prototype of the Wasp suit which she spruced up and added her own touch. Hank sees Piper as an overachiever who's bound to screw up something sooner or later - the reason why he's more cross with her than Scott, and doesn't hesitate to chide her with any mistake she makes. Eventually, Hank warms up to Piper, as she finally proves her worth to him.

Fun Facts

- Piper is an ENFP

- Though she's been through many redesigns, Piper is one of my oldest OCs - I created her back in 2017!

- Piper is probably the most like me out of all my OCs, I'd say

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