Mahina Marnet



2 years, 1 month ago


An artificial carapace that was removed from her creators care and placed withing Mirage's Menagerie. Mahina acts as a primary performer and main attraction for the "freakshow", Mahina is a blind, ball jointed troll brought to life by unknown magics.

Outside of the ring, Mahina has taken it upon herself to care for the many children and younger trolls taken by the Menagerie, trying her best to give them all someone to rely on and provide them a sense of peace for the short amount of time they have left. She never learns their names. It would only hurt her more.

Despite being blind, her chucklevoodoos give her the ability to do a kind of off brand echolocation. Most importantly, the images this paints in her brain are immune to the voodoos of the Ring leader and Circus's namesake Mirage. Mahina has learned how to use this to her benefit, and has slowly begun planning an escape from the circus so she can finally live a free life. But for the meantime, she must continue to prove her worth as a performer or she'll be running on borrowed time.