Leila Peregrine



6 years, 6 months ago


Pokemon Ultra Moon
Female, age 11, white, yellow eyes, pink-brown hair in a flipped bob OR default braids, either way is fine. Wears glasses with thick green frames.
Adult AU version: age 22, keeps one braid most of the time down her back. Much longer. Glasses frames are much thinner, though still green.
(I wanted her to be a redhead but the game only had wine red which I don't like)
EDIT: DEFINITELY prefer her with the braids
Wears greens, mostly; sometimes purple
develops a crush on Kiawe later on; it won't go anywhere

DOB: Nov. 15

Leila is, in many ways, comparable to a shonen protagonist - always optimistic and energetic, believes very firmly in the power of friendship, never knows when to take "no" for an answer, a little too forgiving for some circumstances, DETERMINED to be your friend. She absolutely pampers her Pokemon, always giving them items and grooming them and playing with them, spending pretty much every single waking minute training and cuddling and loving them. As a result, most of her team winds up being overleveled for the area without her realizing it. Weirdly, though, she rarely ever accepts battle challenges, genuinely believing she has no real talent for it after some bad childhood incidents. Examining her battle style reveals this sort of true, though only a little - she doesn't employ any real strategy and skates by mainly because of the overlevelling and clever item use. But she'd rather be your friend than battle you anyway. Her Pokemon often enjoy playing with her glasses because the lenses are shiny, taking them off her face. This is an issue, as she needs a really strong prescription to see anything.

She's decided that, as an adult, she is building a small house in Pikachu Valley for no other reason than to play with all the Pikachu. Leila is very much a "OMG LET ME PET YOUR DOG :D" kind of person. She will pet everything if you let her. (She's not allowed to be near a Mareep, she'll fucking die.) If you ask her for help with a thing, she'll help you. She'll help you with all of her being and won't get back to what she's supposed to do until this thing is done. It's... really easy to take advantage of her. When Leila speaks, she speaks incredibly politely to everyone. I imagine Team Skull is very confused by Leila calling them "sir" and "miss". Her RotomDex is her best friend - they adore each other, and Leila attributes her performances in what few battles she wins to the clever use of Roto Loto items. Leila also get sidetracked by Photo Spots really easily - she takes photos of EVERYTHING. She and Rotom will spend HOURS at Photo Spots.

There is an AU version of her, set when she is around 22. (She still keeps the braids, though they are a lot longer.) She has officially joined the Aether Foundation under Wicke and Gladion's command. Her job is to travel through the Ultra Wormholes with Lunala, generally doing research and recon on Ultra Space and the effects the Ultra Beasts have on other worlds. Adult Leila is a little bit more jaded, having had to leave many of her interpersonal relationships behind and considering her Pokemon her only remaining friends. She wears a long-sleeved white Aether jacket and carries a set of Beast Balls with her. Her RotomDex has been upgraded with recording and note-taking software, and modified to allow limited communication with her original version of Alola. This Leila won the battle against Hau to become Alola's first Champion, but chose not to take the title officially because she wanted to do other things. She tries to act like an undercover agent in the alternate worlds she goes to, believing that unnecessary attention will draw the Ultra Beasts to potentially populated areas and cause havoc. Uses her surname a lot more here.

Born somewhere in her own world's Kanto; was brought to Sinnoh very very young moving with her parents. Grew up in Canalave City, growing and nurturing a love for the water and swimming. Her father left the picture before she was old enough to get her Pokemon license, leading to the move to Alola brought up by "Uncle" Kukui.

Rowlet/Dartrix/Decidueye named Shadow (M) -the mysterious badass who's too cool to play by your daddy's rules but also WAY protective-
Rockruff/Dusk Lycanroc named Spyke (F) -the cute hyperactive one, sometimes even giving Leila trouble-
Buneary/Lopunny named Cream (F) -looks like a cinnamon roll but could and would actually kill you-
Grubbin/Charjabug/Vikavolt named Sprocket (M) -the big old snuggle bug who would rather fly than fight-
Totem-size Salazzle named Perfume (F) -the loving and supportive vodka aunt-
Seel/Dewgong named Ariel (F) -the diva who treats every battle as a chance to show off-
Jangmo-o/Hakamo-o/Kommo-o named Carey (F) -the wrestling heel-

Will eventually get a Magearna