Olivia (PKMN Violet)



1 year, 5 months ago


Nobody has any idea who this girl is or where she came from. A student at Uva Academy found her unconscious on the beach over summer break and called the police for help. After being taken in by medical workers and examined, she was determined to be basically fine, if a little waterlogged and sunburned - other than the apparent amnesia. Upon regaining consciousness, she was unable to tell anyone her name, or where she was from, or where her family was; it didn't help that she didn't speak Paldean, although no one is entirely clear what language she is speaking. (So far people have had the most success with Kalosian, even if her dialect is kinda strange and not always clear.)

In her pocket was a water-damaged Trainer Card, nearly destroyed except for the name"Olivia" barely legible on it. Also in her pocket was an empty PokeBall that already had a Pokemon registered to it, even though she was alone when she was found. With nowhere else to go, Director Clavell of Uva Academy offered the girl a place to stay in the student dorms, at least until someone manages to contact her family. The Language Teacher spent most of the summer break helping her get accustomed to the Paldean language and trying to learn more about this mysterious person.

Olivia is estimated to be around 15 or 16 years old. She typically keeps her Pokemon in Premier Balls. As she is apparently already a licensed Trainer, she is very skilled with battling and raising Pokemon, as seen when the Director offered her a starter. She immediately knew how to handle Grass Type Pokemon and left a strong impression on him and Nemona, and once she was comfortable with the Paldean language she sped through all of Uva's classes like nobody's business. Everyone wanted to talk to the strange memory girl and see what she was about, and she behaves as though she's perfectly accustomed to the attention, like she knows she's a big deal.

Eventual Permanent Team:
Valencia the  Sprigatito/Floragato/Meowscarada (F) - given to her by Director Clavell once it  became clear she would be staying at the Academy with nowhere else to go. A born performer; soooo extra. Tera Type: Grass
Chloe the yellow Flabebe/Floette/Florges (F) - fills her with a strange, sad nostalgia for some reason... Olivia keeps her very close and spoils her like there's no tomorrow. Tera Type: Fairy
Ribbon the Flittle/Espartha (F) - almost as extra as Valencia. The two snipe at each other a lot and don't really get along. An incredibly proud bird, and pretty vain as well. Tera Type: Psychic
Reyes the Larvesta/Volcarona (M) - enjoys staring contests with people. A troublemaker through and through, it will climb into everything it can. The asshole caterpillar. Tera Type: Bug
Alloya the Pawmi/Pawmo/Pawmot (F) - a little scared baby found in a Raid Den. Olivia rescued her and worked to train her up into a real asskicker! (Still pretty easily spooked sometimes, but she's trying.) Tera Type: Steel
Ciel the Swablu/Altaria (F) - landed on her head and fell asleep while Olivia was having a picnic. It decided to stick around and keep sleeping on top of her, so she caught it. Snuggly and soft, loves being brushed! Tera Type: Flying
Manchester the Wooper/Quagsire (M) - traded from a tourist from Galar. Intrigued by the Type differences between the two Wooper species. He doesn't appear to be the smartest, but Olivia finds that endearing. Tera Type: Water
Jadis the Hattrem/Hatterene (F) - caught as a Hattrem in a Raid Den. A bit of a bully, she's always trying to solicit people for snacks. Olivia's got some work to do to get her to stop... Tera Type: Ghost
Lancelot the Chespin/Quilladin/Chesnaught (M) - rumors of this spread throughout the  Academy, and when Olivia chased them down the Chespin seemed to  recognize her... she knew his name. Somehow. Is this a clue to her past?

Miraidon winds up very attached to her, and it develops the habit of stealing sandwich ingredients directly out of her bag. Arven has tried to dissuade it from doing this, but Olivia thinks both of them are funny.

Spoilers referencing the VERY END of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (and also the Kitakami DLC):

Olivia exists as a paradox. When Professors Turo and Sada used their weird time travel machinery to explore the world at various points, it created a butterfly effect that affected her family - the Lachance family - beyond repair. The AI Professor left behind even managed to collect evidence, even if it's mostly circumstantial, that leads to this conclusion.

Included in this file is a damaged family photo, showing that Olivia did not initially have the white streak in her bangs. Also included is part of a certificate signalling her as Champion Rank in Kalos. Her parents and her two younger siblings were erased from time completely, as though they never existed to begin with, which makes the fact that she herself is still around VERY weird. There is also a Chesnaught in the photo - which leads her to believe that this butterfly effect also reset her starter's evolution, as it was a Chespin again when she reunited with it on the beach.

Her full name is Olivia Colette Lachance. She is 15 years old.
Olivia's mother was a florist, with a special love for yellow flowers. Chloe Lachance, with Benoit as her maiden name, aged 36. This is why Olivia is so affectionate with her yellow Flabebe.
Her father was a businessman in Lumiose City, Alexandre Lachance, aged 41. He was a very charismatic and clever man, and no slouch at battling in his own right. He loved his family dearly, and was responsible for giving Olivia a Chespin at a very young age.
Olivia's younger brother was named Cesaire, aged 12. He had yet to pick a starter because he couldn't decide which one he wanted. It had amused Olivia how he'd agonized over it, and she loved to tease him about it.
Olivia's younger sister was named Arielle, aged 9. She was very interested in Bug Pokemon, especially the ones that would come hang out in Chloe's flower shop. Her mother had intended to talk to the League and give Arielle a Vivillon as her starter.

After she learns all of this, she catches an Iron Valiant to add to her team. He(?) is a no-nonsense battler who hardly knows when to stop, and more often than not she has to physically intervene once battles are over to get him back into his Ball. She is trying very hard to be his friend, though, and loves him just as much as the rest of her team anyway.

During the field trip to Kitakami, she met a photographer named Perrin who invited her on a camping trip. During said camping trip, they came across a GIANT and ANCIENT Ursaluna, the Bloodmoon Ursaluna of legend. Olivia captured him and nicknamed him Corduroy. She is always amused at the size difference between him and normal Pokemon, and her opponents always freak out a little bit whenever she pulls him out to fight.

Nemona - the first person to claim her as a friend. Olivia is excited to have a Champion-level friend to go all out against, once again reinforcing her skill as a Trainer. They don't usually interact much outside of battles, though, as Nemona keeps running off afterwards. Beating Nemona makes her a little cocky later, and losing to Nemona makes her angry-cry when she's alone.
Arven - Rivals to Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Idiots In Love, Feelings Denial... he's such a loveable goddamn dork. He left a pretty bad first impression, but after taking down a Titan with him and realizing what a soft squishy dweeb he is, Olivia fell hard. How dare he be attractive and good at cooking and incredibly sweet. She has no talent for flirting, though, and is therefore trying to bait him into saying something first, which... isn't going great...
Penny - oh yeah. The Eevee girl. She's there too. She's... fine? Olivia's had maybe one conversation with her.