


6 years, 5 months ago



??? (adult)

Agender (they/them)



Aromantic Asexual

5.5 (taurus)


True Neutral




Do you feel that? Ever so slightly, the ocean's current has changed...

There is very little known about Amor, in spite of the fact there aren’t many vetehi who haven’t heard about them: reports of this mysterious vetehi date back to the ancient times, all the way to when the first vetehi left the deepest depths of the sea and cast aside their dragonic form. If it wasn’t for the fact that Amor still makes appearances today, there is no doubt they would be considered merely a legend; a figure of myths that may have once lived, but has long since departed the mortal plane. 

Though their identity and mission are an enigma to others, humans and vetehi alike have learned Amor’s sudden appearance is often the first sign of a change to come: sometimes they’re an ill omen indicating a disaster to strike; other times they bring forth prosperity and luck. Regardless of the reason for their presence, anyone who knows of the legends surrounding them knows to prepare for something big to happen.  

Old and undoubtedly wise, they gladly offer their guidance and wisdom to those who ask for it, and by all means the serpent seems to enjoy this role of an adviser and a mentor.


An ancient serpent with a serene aura, Amor is very docile when vetehi are considered: they prefer to hunt animals rather than humans, have little to no territorial instinct and bear no visible hostility towards species that aren’t vetehi. They’re a great conversationalist with an elaborate vocabulary, but speak little of themself and avoid answering questions of personal nature. They also don’t seem to hold close and deep friendships with others, and as such Amor comes off as secretive and very elusive in spite of their friendly personality. This peculiar nature is all the more encompassed by their curious ability of appearing and disappearing seemingly without a warning. 

Despite how gentle and benevolent Amor comes off as, there is still a distinct unpredictability to their nature: others find it difficult to tell what they will do next, and Amor has just enough reservation in them to remind people that Amor is not necessarily their friend just because they choose to act kindly. Especially humans find themselves being forced to stay on their toes when around the serpent: Amor can easily overpower even a strong adult if they so desire, and they are very much a carnivore — a natural predator for humans — who simply chooses not to act on their natural instinct. 

Amor’s relationship towards humans as a whole is strange at best, and other vetehi often fail to understand their fascination: Amor often implies having a desire to be a human, but simultaneously doesn’t seem to take any needed steps to acquire a human form or to become one. They’re very invested in learning more about human cultures and their behavior, and whenever Amor helps out a human they request information about their kind in exchange — and will have no trouble eating those who don’t end up holding their end of the bargain. Some vetehi speculate Amor does this simply to learn how to better attract and perhaps even manipulate humans, while others suggest their behavior seems almost like their way of reconciling with their loss of humanity — implying Amor may have been a human in the distant past. 

Regardless, the vetehi is known for their wisdom and good advice they give to those who ask for it, and as a whole Amor is a pleasant companion if not a little distant. They never speak of their mission or for what purpose they keep on existing, but they seem dedicated to help and guide others as they navigate life. 


HAIR: Blond, long & wavy 
EYES: Blue, large but usually half open
EYELASHES: Dark and long but not particularly voluminous 
NOSE: Small, straight with a round tip
LIPS: Thin, red 
HORNS: White ox horns (C)
HANDS: Webbed (C) 
BACK SPIKES: Fluttery (UR)
PADDLES: Fluttery (UR)
TAIL: Fluttery (SR) 
GEMS: Golden colored rocks (C)
BODY TYPE: Mesomorph, androgynous
CONSTITUTION: Refined, gentle, secretive
OTHER: Noticeably wide hips, squishy lower body, no nipples (not a mammal)

Though decently long in length, Amor’s overall size is rather small: if they were a human, they would likely be around 160cm with proportionate, slightly curvy features.  Their upper body — with strong shoulders and defined build — resembles a human, but their lower body is a scaled serpent body suitable for swimming in the water. 

The scales on Amor’s body are very pale pink with pure white blotches going across their spine. Amor’s hands, neck and chest area have white patterns resembling lace, with three yellow-coloured precious stones on the middle of their chest, on top of the white scales.

Amor has blue eyes with white scales under them, resembling tears and earning them the nickname “weeping angel”. Their hair is light blond, fluffy and soft, with wavy curls. Amor’s side locks are long and reach slightly below their collar bones, with waves and curls near the end, and the back of their hair reaches their lower body, but it’s usually tied up on a low ponytail with a red ribbon. Amor’s horns resemble ox and are white in color, and the spikes on their neck are small and barely noticeable; light pink in colour. 

Their back fins resemble wings with sharp, light pink spikes that hold the fluttery paddles, and their other paddles resemble lace  fabric with two layers on them. The spikes on their lower body resemble corals in shape. 

Amor’s hips are wide for a vetehi, the middle of their body then slowly narrowing down near the end, and the long, lace-like paddles on their sides further encompass the wideness of them. 


Not much is known about Amor’s past, with more rumors than any concrete information about them. However, there are countless stories of Amor appearing to rulers, warriors and those who would come to do great things in their life, guiding them and giving them advice before disappearing as abruptly as they appeared. One of the few things Amor has told others about their past is that at some point in their life they used to be captured by a spoiled royalty and living as their pet in the palace, but details of how they ended up in the situation or how they escaped are unknown. 

Regardless of the personal history they clearly don’t enjoy discussing, Amor is an old being who has seen and experienced a lot in their long life. They have traveled across the world and have visited places even outside of Enhyria, though understandably only Amor knows of this ability to travel through universes: it’s not like most even know more than one exists in the first place. 

Skills & abilities

  • Though their voice is distnctively androgynous, they have a high and clear singing voice. While many vetehi use their singing abilities to attract unsuspecting humans for their prey, Amor mainly sings for themself.

  • While many vetehi can survive on land, Amor’s scales and paddles are specifically meant for life in water and they don't fare well on land. Their scales will also dry quickly and cause considerable pain if they don’t soak their serpent body in water.

  • Due to their size Amor is also very heavy, and they can easily overpower a human with their body mass alone.

  • Vetehi have natural tendencies for fast memorization, and Amor is no exception. Combined with their old age and life experience they’re very intelligent, but rarely if ever intimidate others with this vast knowledge.

  • Amor has no magical abilities to speak of, but they seem to have a natural ability to open ghost gates that let them switch universes at ease. This is not a unique ability to Amor, however, and there are other beings who seemingly at random have seemed to be born with the ability.

  • Amor mainly uses their body to strangle their prey, though they do have sharp teeth and have been reported to use weapons and strangle victims with their hands as well. However, they’re generally not a threat to humans or similar creatures, and prefers to hunt animals instead.

  • Consuming vetehi flesh can turn a human into a vetehi, and Amor’s own flesh is no exception to that.

  • Adult vetehi are obligate carnivores, though in dire situations they can survive for a short while on other nutrition. However, their bodies are not meant to last this diet, and they will eventually grow weak, sick and die without 


  • Amor used to be the mascot of the closed species vetehi. Though the species is currently inactive, I still use them in my own stories and have plans of hopefully one day reviving them with updated and improved traits. Amor is part of the first public version of the closed species, and their traits follow the first generation guide. If the species is revived, the new designs will be referred to as the second generation in meta.

  • Some speculate Amor is not actually an old being but part of a family that bears a striking resemblance to one another. However, this assumption is false: Amor really is ancient in age and there has always been only one.