


2 years, 18 days ago



Honoka Hoshi


Chicken Cutlet Curry


I will do what makes me feel.
Hanako, Honoka
Jan 7
Lanky, thin
Clothing Distributor
Who knows lol
Longstalks Forest
Art By ChocoBoba
Character By ChocoBoba

Aliment Traits and Anatomy Details

Chicken katsu curry is basically curry roux, white rice and a breaded chicken patty thats deep fried. Whatever is added to the roux and rice changes and can vary in whatever level of spice the diner prefers.

and I like really spicy curries, so here we go.

Honoka has “flaky” skin, where instead of thin chips, what falls off come off in wet grains if she scratches or rubs her skin too violently. She knows she has scratched too much if what meets her fingertips feels like slime rather than rice.

Directly below the skin is a stretchy and flexible membrane that contains all the things that make her living! It has the same durability as the latex nail barriers but repairs itself if the limb is left at a state of rest long enough. Longest record has been an hour.

Scratching isn’t the only way to reveal the membrane, if she eats too much, grows too much muscle, get too hot, get too wet, her skin won’t stretch to accommodate the new material, and waiting months for new skin to grow is too much to ask for so Honoka keeps herself in tip top form and on great record for the sake of not having herself spill everywhere.

This also applies to her mouth! Yep that’s right! Honoka doesn’t have cheeks so whenever she eats too quickly her jaw unhinges and the seaweed lining top and bottom of her jaw can be seen. So slowly and with small bites is the way to go. If she can’t help her hunger then it’s just a simple matter of closing her mouth and rubbing the sides of her face until they’re seamless again.

Because of this she also can’t emote with her mouth, it remains a long thin line, attempts to force a smile has left some… interesting impressions.

An interesting to note about the inside of her mouth, her top jaw can taste bitter, sour, spice and the bottom jaw can taste sweet and salty! It is also prone to drying because she can't salivate, resulting in her needing to moisten it through outside means or else it will... start to flake. A gentle reminder to hydrate.

"How does she chew?" Through a rubber band effect where her bottom jaw pulls, bounces and collides with the rest of her skull, until the matter is all mushy enough to slide down her throat, when she bites she can't cut through the material because well, she doesn't have teeth.

Her eyes are completely dark green, no eyelashes or eyelids, her eyes stay moist through her sriracha-flavored tears. So no she doesn’t blink. She does cry consistently through! The tears always soak up since her skin always has enough cracks to absorb them, so lucky her! She will always look weird but at least her clothes won’t get stained!

It should be said she doesn’t have “eyeballs” so you’ll notice there’s a concave silhouette. But she can still see! The light hits the bumpy surface and boom, images.

From the equator of her head grows layers of breading as thick as a notebook. The surface is bumpy and underneath is smooth and feels like the inside of an ear. It grows outwards, while the plates closer to her head are slightly flexible from being slightly doused in tonkatsu sauce, the older plates are more brittle and can be snapped off.

The same plating can be found on her ribcage area, creating the shape of an obtruse rectangular prism. This provides no function, doesn't hinder her breathing and besides making it hard for her to sleep on her stomach, doesn't impose much presence. She got it from her father's side, and for whatever genetic niche this had filled, it is now useless.

Her uncut hair are long slabs of chicken breast that grows in the star shaped pouches that stick underneath her plates, bigger stars means longer slabs, but also a heavier head, so eventually she has to prune them off.

As for how she can apply the slabs she has to thoroughly shave off the hair she has currently to reveal the wet unrooted scalp, to then stick the slab on and let it root in, adhere then separate and cut by hand and tool. The process takes a while, probably as long as getting a perm. Its better than taking a shower to wash it though, watering her hair makes it dry and crumbly, so when it reaches a point of no return, she leaves an hour open in her schedule.

Her arms and hands are longer than the average foodie, on the outer side of each arm is a line of dried membrane, the area where she used to grow feathers. However because they couldn't function like actual wings, she had the feathers clipped off.

The palms and soles are lined with seaweed, they are dry and rough but they grip fairy well, that said she only has 4 fingers and 2 toes on each side, a remnant to the bird in her genes.

The only weird thing about her insides in her slightly warmer body temperature, and her irritable fluids, her tears, sweat and membrane leave a tingling sensation like you have just eaten something too spicy. Other than that? The inner workings are just as normal as any other foodie.


It's almost to say it's concerning when she gets passionate about something, Honoka grows obsessive over hobbies, entranced almost. To watch her at work is to witness some creature becoming almost one with the craft. She is meticulous, careful and delicate with the creation process, whether or not her works are ugly to you is not her problem. She will do what makes her happy and make something she is satisfied with, or so it's not worth having at all. This makes her curt and blunt when given opinion on what she does, she will figure out the problem on her own, and would rather die than take constructive criticism.

This. Doesn't win her any points with socializing. Conventional beauty is overrated, having her eccentricity jarr others is not her problem. She knows there's children who would cry when she enters the room but it's really not her problem if they can't get over how unnerving she can be. She has done her time being dull and a people pleaser, if she ends up being a hermit, then that's perfectly fine with her.

Maybe. She's no ice queen, she doesn't need to melt to show others that she can be lovely, her blood's already running pretty hot after all. She wouldn't mind if you came around with a pack of chips and milk tea.

  • Passionate
  • Confident
  • Headstrong
  • Attentive
  • Sensitive
  • Honest
  • Moralistic
  • Bright
  • Obsessive
  • Prickly
  • Apathetic
  • Rigid

Likes and Dislikes

  • Satiny fabrics
  • Blue
  • Hiking
  • Metal Music
  • Mustard
  • Hawks
  • Slime
  • Tissues


Honoka started out learning whole heartedly and without reservation that she was one ugly duckling. Which was stupid, because before she hit puberty Honoka liked to think she was a cute little kid before her limbs became too long and her mouth became too dry. A shame no one knew that, which meant that she only needed to prove it, that she was deserving of the love her parents put into her and all of what the world could offer her. Now it was a bigger shame no one bothered to be honest on how she could prove herself, because all those young years were spent fumbling on her feet, trying to garner any genuine understanding from her peers that wasn't morbid curiousity and those obsessed with the horror community.

It's not to say that these experiences didn't make her smart though, she learned with the bounty that was her life's mistakes could lead her to become who could be stronger than anyone who wasn't "just tolerated". So she wasn't stupid when she joined something with the promise of "comraderie" and "empowerment" in the exchange of peddling a couple of boxes of low quality protein powder. It definitely wasn't stupidity that kept her in this job for 3 years, instead of chasing a degree in something that would actually be helpful to the world than whatever she was doing now.

It was probably hopefulness that this would pan out with some miracle. That climbing up in whatever awful chain of power she was now in would reward her somehow, pursuing opportunity after opportunity after opportunity. It did in a way, because a few months shy of turning 22, karma came to catch up and she was now stranded in a port city, with only whatever was in her luggage, cash that could be converted into nothing substantial and emails unanswered on what she was to do and how she could get home now if there was no one to fund her trip.

And look she wasn't above sleeping on the streets but the idea of doing that for however long it would take for her to get back on her feet was a little too much. And she knows her parents probably love her enough to pay for the trip back themselves but there was some scraping presence in the back of her head that told her she didn't deserve such an easy way out. She couldn't quite stomach the idea of starting from scratch from home with her reputation already dragged through the mud.

So when all else seemed too much, what was left but to be a little desperate, go for the strangest options possible. Pulling up a foreign number an "uncle" gave her years before she got into what started this mess was the most tamest. Start small, then escalate in the options, she reasoned. The description given about the foodie was... fantastical, to put it kindly. A generous donator for all your needs and causes, someone who wouldn't find any request too ridiculous. At most Honoka just needed a cheap apartment and enough funds to survive a month, that wasn't too unreasonable. If it ended up being a bust then no hard feelings, she just was entertaining the idea before she got through her more dire options.

(Logically if she knew about whatever programs that the isles had to reduce homelessness she could've taken those, but she was in the dark and panicking.)

It's not to say she didn't have her doubts that her "uncle" was telling the truth, but when the phone picked up with a suspicious "who are you?" she was ready to jump ship. She stayed on though, telling her full name, how she got the number and giving her request with prayer and pleading. The call went silent for a little, before "I'll get back to you" ended it.

A 5 minute call really, really, isn't something to put anything on, but she had to have faith or dumb luck that maybe this would work out. (She didn't really believe in any God so here's hoping.)

An hour or so passed, and the silent waiting area was suffocating. Her phone buzzed, a message asking for her bank details from what she considered to be her savior. With an address to her place of residence for who knows how long and a "Don't lose the money LOL" so began what would be a 2 year journey to get her life back together. Maybe it should've taken longer, but spite is a very strong motivator, and with the snide messages her "savior" has been sending her ever since, she had got a lot of it.

A strong education background, experience with networking (whether good or bad) and knowing how to look got her pretty far. She had nothing to lose and was willing to try anything, so if asked about how she got into the business of clothing she could not give a straight answer. One way or another she found herself managing the operations of the delivery side for a small scale fashion business, with foodies she could call acquaintances (if only out of habit from not having any good come out of the "friends" she had in the past), and coming out of the failed project a little buzzed from the experience.

It was nice, made a little money for herself but the interpersonal drama that sprouted out left something to be desired. She was planning to put it to rest, find what could let her have a stable income for a while, add to her resume, so on. But what's to stop her from looking at a listing about an assistant for a small scale fashion show? Maybe a little peek into clothing stores, pick up some books on how to make clothes and learn about some history... it was only meant to be something she entertained, she's not sorry that it turned out to make her feel fuzzy inside.

Oh look the fuzzy feelings made a website where she could sell clothes. Turns out running a website business takes a lot of time so she chooses to quit her current job for this. There is nothing she is sorry about.

Except maybe the money she had to take at the beginning. Granted she has more than made enough to pay her debt, but in the stray few messages she's received since the exchange, they had been vague enough to show there wasn't any attachment to the money, that whoever was sending texts was definitely doing it for their amusement. She has only taken money once. Only once. There is no reason that she should've had to open up her door and let in a "Starling" one sunny day saying they were here to ask for a favor.

The deal was simple, babysit a kid for about 2 months, then they would be out of Honoka's hair. The kid was fully self-sufficient and quiet, she was told, and wouldn't cause a ruckus in the house. The spare room she coincidentally had was all this kid would really needed. She wouldn't know they were there.

There were questions on why couldn't money buy a temporary space with a caretaker, why her? All dismissed with a wave of a hand and a steady persistence that there really was no other way. This rang warning bells in her, but the idea that this kid would unravel her hard work of 4 years was ridiculous, so really, what's the harm? She took the deal.

Hopefully she grew smarter to deal to whatever problems this new development is going to make for her.


  • Thermos filled with soup
  • Small box for utensils
  • Packet of tissues
  • Gloves
  • Bandaids

Extra Notes

  • Despite all the costs for her business she is willing to expend, she lives pretty minimalistic, always steadfast with her carbon footprint. Her appliances would be "old fashioned" because of this but she has someone else she's living with so some of that is gonna have to change.
  • She doesn't have any personal socials besides messenging apps to keep in touch with the very few friends she has. She has a games account that hasn't been touched in a while, but she is no good at any of the games bought on there.
  • She's considering going to college, she's not completely sure what she wants to pursue with her schedule nowadays, she just wants to pay an old debt to a future that could've been.
  • Besides design, she does cooking, carving, knitting, crocheting, anything that needs her hands physically she has probably dabbled in.
  • She speaks english pretty well, gaining an aptitude for it way back in her middle school days, she used to have a fascination with the western world and maybe with the english teacher who talked about it.




Character Name

Replace the "relationship" on top with what type of relationship they have (friend, sibling, rival, etc). Write a small summary of the relationship here.



Character Name

Replace the "relationship" on top with what type of relationship they have (friend, sibling, rival, etc). Write a small summary of the relationship here.



Character Name

Replace the "relationship" on top with what type of relationship they have (friend, sibling, rival, etc). Write a small summary of the relationship here.

Profile Codes by Eggy
Tabs by Avicode
Edited by Jessi-Jess & tashaj4de