Mylić Damos "Kimos"



8 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Formal Name

Mylić Damos



Name Meaning

Mylić - (Polish meaning "Deceive"), Damos - Greek name meaning "Terror" (A variation of the name Deimos, God of Fear in Greek Mythology), Kimos - Fictional name, no meaning, (but for the sake of theme could mean "Trickster" in Lato)


Unknown (Appears to be "untouched by time"; 16-18 years old)


Genderfluid/Agender; some regions refer to by "she, her, hers" while other regions refer to by "he, him, his"; both regions depict very ambiguous in gender; Overall prefers agender pronouns ("They", "Them", "Their")


Xuiling (Gijinka?)


Knowledge and Trickery


Chaotic Neutral


Deity of Trickery and Secrets (Associated with Forbidden Knowledge)


STR 21 DEX 24 CON 20 INT 23 WIS 17 CHA 24 (Avatar only)


Fana Mimi and Voyou Feli's “older sibling” (not by blood but in deity myths due to their shared domain of trickery), Polaris's assigned deity


Halloween (Will have world based names but generally holidays are similar)


[Coming Soon]


Personality: A deity who chooses to rarely get involved with mortals and circumstances to preserve his own powers and is also known to have brought the race of xuilings back from extinction. He is considered the patron deity of xuilings because he breathed life into their race once again and is known to have tamed the beast in which their king, Poniros, had become. He is considerably selfish and unpredictable as they come. His decisions seem to be spontaneous and some other deities feel that this is dangerous but fitting for his domain, so most choose not to intervene with him. His Guardian finds him entertaining, relishing in the trickery that Kimos does dish out from time to time in order to maintain his purpose and confuse others, both mortal and deity alike. Kimos has a particular liking towards doggoons and finds them to be easy vessels for his devilish schemes which is why he chose to favor one in particular.


* Patron deity of the xuiling race in Lato. There are several paladins under Kimos, some who have sworn oath to him or to Poniros who still falls under Kimos. There is also a library of forbidden and taboo books in the capital city of the xuilings. There is a portal network that connects to the capital and is practically only accessible by xuilings due to the size of the species, making it extremely difficult for other species to gain access to their city. The main reasons for this nexus to be created was in an effort of protection (of both themselves and the forbidden tomes), and because it was dangerous for them to travel from place to place once again due to their small size.

* He aided a doggoon in taking over a human ship full of slaves. Though the doggoon was a small boy, with Kimos's addition to his strength and speed the doggoon was able to overthrow the ship with hardly a scratch to befall him. Fel Treori has been known as the hero of this "legend/myth". As the patron deity of theives and pirates many pirates have shared the legend of Fel Treori and how he bested his captors. But it is all attributed to Kimos's will since the whole story seems like a work of chaos or possibly too conveinent for a little boy to have managed. A lot of people also think it was an act of trickery and some even think that maybe Fel in person is a beast or just a rogue, but no one really knows the truth and it is often left up to just rumors or myth at this point.