


2 years, 1 month ago



protective brother

Age & height 26, 5'3
TeamNone atm


Introvert Extrovert

Optimist Pessimist

Thinking Feeling

Apathetic Empathetic

Cautious Careless

Mature Immature

Lawful Chaotic

Good Evil


  • being w/ his family
  • actively learning
  • staying warm
  • any quiet he can find
  • sour candies


  • Humans
  • canines + cyber shephards
  • being in bright lights
  • sudden noises
  • being unable to keep his family together


  • searching for Damon
  • very exhausted
  • skilled thief & fighter
  • short-tempered with strangers
  • his right eye has surface scars; he covers it because his vision is clouded otherwise

◈ Personality

Morgan has a deep love and affection for his siblings; something he will likely never even consider lending to anyone else. At 13, he decided flee his mother's care and, unhesitantly, he took his siblings along with him. A difficult decision he'd long thought out; he feared for his sibling's safety in the face of her brash and seemingly uncontrollable anger. Once he was sure he could care for them on his own, that they would really be safest without her, is when he decided to disappear. Although he still misses her sometimes, his moments of regret are short-lived. Anyone or anything that can threaten his family will meet his unbridled wrath.

Definitely no stranger to thievery & battle, he is also experienced in manipulating technology around the city. He does his best to share all his knowledge with his siblings. His worst nightmare is losing them, so he tries to ensure that if his siblings were ever separated, they would be able to survive until he could find them again.

Along with Amari, Morgan still searches the city in hopes to find their younger brother Damon. He is absolutely sure Damon could survive, so he doesn't dwell long on the question of "if" he is still around to be found.

◈ Vauge histories

wip wip


He can be drawn with Amari. If drawn with Damon, all three siblings must be drawn younger. Alt clothing may be added later.

◈ Design Notes

  • Right eye has multiple little surface scars on it, clouding his vision, so he always uses his hair to cover it.
  • Both ears are torn.
  • Clothes are symmetrical, except for the undershirt favoring one side.

◈ Computer Notes

  • He has a diamond-shaped object / computer; it morphs into the weapons he uses & can send/receive signals from other tech.
  • The form of the weapon is usually staff like, but he changes the shape (often adding sharp edges) frequently and on the fly.


Morgan would never just talk to a human, so consider these his thoughts

◈ Dyna

characters with Morgan on Dyna


Amari - Little sister

Amari always tries very hard to help, I'm very grateful of course. I know she has trouble with understanding machines, but if she doesn't give up, she will get it one day. I won't give up teaching her.

◈ Others

characters Morgan knew or will know. not present


Damon - Little brother

He is skilled enough to still be alive, I am sure of it. If I could barely catch him, then I don't think a dog could. I'll find a way to track him down.


Izzie - ?

Humans would destroy everything just to help themselves, let alone save themselves.