Flora(Bayfox)'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

Cannot be resold.

mayotsuki Global Rules


  • I would highly advise against deleting the adopt profile as it will delete your verification of ownership.
    • If I know a design had a TH profile at one point, I will not reaccept creator credits on a reuploaded profile unless if traceable ownership proof is provided. Please take caution if you buy/trade for an adopt that is not credited to Strabi or mayotsuki on-site.
  • Reselling, trading, or gifting your adopt is allowed at any time under your ownership. You may resell for a higher price than obtained for if you make/buy new artwork or other things of monetary value for them. However, please be courteous and do not resell free/gift work you receive.
  • If an OC exchanges hands, you pass the license to keep/use the design and art for personal use to the new owner. Please do not continue using the design or my art if you no longer own it.
  • Personal use is allowed. You can make an OC out of them and edit their story/info freely.
    • If redesigning the base design, my credit must be given regardless of how large the change is. You may freely redesign, but please do not redesign beyond recognition from the original (to where you can just make a new OC instead) or make harmful edits (whitewashing, erasure of minority representation, etc).
    • If creating alternate forms or alternate universe designs, all forms (including redesigns) MUST be kept together as they are the same OC.
    • You can give my designs alt/au forms in existing closed/original species; asking for permission first is appreciated, but not required. I only ask because this involves adding someone else's TOS to my design. However, please ask for permission first if you want to unvoid/reinstate a voided CS design.
    • Please ask me before making sibling/twin, parent, or children designs. (This is because this can fall under duplicating/heavily copying a design!)
  • Commercial rights for your adopts (design only, NOT my artwork) are limited to indie use: promotional use (use as your mascot, post ads to promote your work, small-scale vtubing, etc) and virtual publishing (monetized youtube video, webtoons canvas app, patreon posts, etc).
    Any other form of planned or expected large scale commercial profit is not included in this license without purchasing a separate "full commercial rights" license: examples include getting a publisher contract, physical publishing products to sell (books, merchandise, etc), sponsored/contract vtubing.

Feel free to contact me to ask questions if you have any!


  • Do not claim credit for the original design.
  • Do not add extra rules restricting usage of my designs when passing them to secondhand owners.
  • Do not make identical, heavily-based, "breedings/fusions" (this type of stuff), etc, based on my designs for profit.
    This includes making a whole new closed/original species group/arpg out of the design or sell adopts heavily based on the design's concept in the same manner as a CS without permission.
  • Do not feature my designs in or endorsing illegal activity, including sexual work with or for minors, or promote hate speech and harm in any real world context. You will be immediately blacklisted and may warrant public notices.
  • Do not use for AI or AI training purposes for any reason.
  • Do not use my artwork for commercial, monetary, promotional purposes, or mint/sell my works for cryptocurrency.