


2 years, 2 months ago



Card image cap
  • Age Child-minded
  • Gender Nonspecific
  • Pronouns They / Fae / She
  • Faction None
  • Rank Non-Combatant
  • Occupation Lost




  • Conniving
  • Manipulative
  • Precocious
  • Non-empathetic


  • The Commander
  • Her bunny, Mr. Cuddles
  • Bugs; especially centipedes
  • Tormenting others


  • One
  • Two
  • Three
  • Four


  • One
  • Two
  • Three
  • Four


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec quis accumsan nisl. Curabitur non tempus elit, non dictum justo. Aenean et neque cursus, varius velit placerat, consequat purus. Nunc quam felis, vestibulum nec mauris cursus, accumsan vehicula quam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse venenatis dolor eu ex convallis, eget ullamcorper ligula ultrices. Proin a mollis ligula, eget dignissim lacus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas tincidunt, elit ut cursus tincidunt, urna sapien condimentum ex, quis porttitor ligula felis non dolor. Vivamus consectetur massa quis nibh blandit, vel hendrerit tellus fermentum. Pellentesque id lorem interdum, porta justo eu, molestie ligula. In et luctus mi. Sed cursus, nulla sit amet viverra efficitur, est nisl lobortis magna, eget fringilla nisl lectus nec magna.


Commander Beloved Leader

The Commander is just about the most important person in Python's entire life. He took them in, gave them shelter, food and affection. They would prefer to spend all of their time with him, and will do anything he asks, even following him where he does not want to be followed. The Commander's own feelings are unclear, but he appears to regard Python with the same love someone would their pet.


Nathan Object of Affection

After getting lost in the badlands one time, Python was found by Nathan, who helped nurse them back to health. Ever since then, they've found it difficult to stay apart from Nathan from very long - if they're not with the Commander, they're probably with Nathan, instead. They trust Nathan immensely and value his company, but knows on some level there is tension between them due to Python's love for the leader of the Henchmen.


Suture Primary Care Provider

Suture, being the Henchmen's most senior medic, is also Python's primary care provider. They treat Python on a regular basis, and help them keep their anomalous body in check. Suture is one of the only people Python trusts to see their body, including their face. Python kind of wishes Suture didn't have to stick so many needles in them, though.


Cobra Terrified Of

Python isn't terribly familiar with Cobra, but they know one thing - they're goddamn scared of them! Cobra is much taller than Python, and generally more intimidating, and Python doesn't like that one bit. They don't understand why Cobra has decided that they are arch-enemies, but all they know is they're going to hide whenever Cobra is around.


Angel Old Friend

Python used to know Angel from back before they joined the Henchmen, and they were sure Angel had long since perished. But one day, Angel appears in the fray, looking to see what's up with all this human business. While they were once very close friends, Python feels a bit unsure around Angel, nowadays. Nonetheless, Angel is probably their closest friend who shares their unique predicament.


Captain Unsure Of

Python has complicated feelings towards Captain. On one hand, their leader has feelings for him - on the other, their leader has feelings for him. They are afraid of being left behind, and when Captain is short-tempered with them, that fear is almost realized. But ultimately, once Captain gets used to Python being in the Commander's life, they come to a mutual understanding.


Ted Hunts Rats for Them

Python has no strong opinion on Ted, other than the fact they like that he tolerates their antics. When visiting the Tankmen, Ted is often in charge of hunting for Python, and they admire his aim. Ted finds Python generally hilarious, especially when they're driving his leader up the wall.


Kandi Little Friend



Roulette Who The Hell


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