Shiro "Xylo" Ishikawa



2 years, 2 months ago


Shiro "Xylo" Ishikawa

Lavender. You can take these berries and go, Aurora Montgomery. We're only a few hours from Stow-On-Side and the path from here on out is entirely safe and manageable, even by someone like you. Safe travels. Come on, Goji.

Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Age 19
DoB 27 August
Sign Virgo
S.O. Bede/Ryan
Height 176cm
Alignment True Neutral
Occupation Champion
Hometown Oreburgh City
Are you awake?
i am. did anything important happen? you never send texts, lee
Right, sorry. This is very sudden isn't it? Hahaha
I need you to do me a favour, Xylo. For the match today.
well that's not ominous at all...
what is it?
probably important if you're texting me at 3 in the morning, right? you've been typing way too long...
If absolutely anything goes wrong, I need you take Hopscotch back to Postwick. Don't look back, just run. I don't want either of you getting any ideas. Remember, anything that happens tomorrow is not your fault.
Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Polite Sassy
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Lone wolf Team player
Archetype The caregiver
Leading trait Loyal
Biggest flaw Self-destructive

Design notes

  • Hair over his right eye conceals drastically lighter skin.
  • Under duress, his right eye flickers. When his right side bleeds, it is black. From the left, he bleeds red.
  • His right side is often bruised from his clumsiness. He hides it out of embarrassment.
  • If his body is uncovered, the right side will be lighter than the left.
  • His right eye is prosthetic and does not mimic his Keen Eye pupil. It is glossy and does not glow passively.

"My story... My story is a little long, a lot of important things happened in such short time that even saying it feels unreal, especially when there are things that I know happened that I can't remember at all. On the other hand, enough things have gone on throughout my life that were so mundane I don't know if I even should leave them in -- nobody wants to hear me ramble. Now... Which timeline did you want to hear about?"


"Double-Edged Missions Pay Unhandsomely -- I named this one myself. Well, I didn't exactly name it, but I thought about this before I died. Funny, huh? My backstory is the same within both stories -- Sinnoh breaks down and being a stupid child, I get caught up with my best friend and lose my eye. I can't remember it very well, but it scarred me -- I broke my gift in order to live normally and we escaped to Sinnoh where I was properly diagnose with a parasitic disease. Unowns inhabited my body and at any sign of weakness, they could come out and take over, sprouting eyes from my skin and tainting the blood of my right side as black. But otherwise, I was pretty normal.

"But I'm sure we all knew that already, so I'll stop explaining. We ran to Galar, settling in the quiet town of Postwick. I met Hop and his brother and due to their persistence we became friends, almost like brothers. Hop and I were in the same year and I was too preoccupied with school and therapy to study enough to skip to a higher grade level, so I could graduate early or attract any special opportunities after school. Actually, Hop insisted we go to a match for that year's Champion Cup before I even had the chance to make anything of myself as a first-year in Circhester. Leon texted me some ominous crap and suddenly the darkest day came around. Hop and I got into an argument, though it was very one-sided. He thought I killed his brother. I ended up running away to capture Eternatus and put an end to the Darkest Day once and for all. I met Bede in the Dappled Grove. I met Marnie in the Glimwood Tangle. I got stuck with Hop after we left Motostoke where he tried to kill Bede right after I lost Aconitum. Aurora tries to get me killed. I find Briar and she tries to call me and Bede her 'dads' which... I don't know if it was a help to our weird tense and frustrating relationship at the time...

"Bede and I... I think it's safe to say that through our experiences together and our close contact... We were in love. I know this very well now. It was so -- so..? Just... Frustrating, I guess. Sorry, I have to keep making eye contact or it gets weird, huh? I don't know. We kept trying to dance around the issue of being in love because it was so stupid, I guess, right? We were in the middle of an apocalypse and any of us could die at any given moment. It was the worst time ever to have any kind of emotional thought give the situation and given the circumstances. And we both knew it, that's why neither of us said anything until Marnie pushed us to finally talk about it... And when we get together, it was all for naught. I was supposed to be the one who died, but he... He's just so... So stupid! He shouldn't have... He should have just pulled back, he should have just... Not stayed... When the sky turned blue and blood dribbled from his mouth to his jaw to his chin... to my palm...

"In the end, it was put on me, as the only other adult. Two men who claimed to be kings, who claimed to rule Galar and slay Eternatus. They told the world I killed my 'team mate' -- not boyfriend. I was thrown in prison, solitary confinement. They took away my pokemon and killed them. They kept me alive for as long as possible. But I managed to kill myself. I managed to take from them the final laugh."

Turning Cogs

"Turning Cogs is based off the saying that one's got cogs turning in their mind. My mother used to say it a lot, especially when my father was thinking up things for me and the other children to do back in Sinnoh. See, after we moved, I managed to quickly get therapy and I was able to have back and forth letter conversations with the people in Sinnoh -- but mostly Kouki and my father, Roark. My mother gave me Limoni and we bonded quickly. I managed to excell in my studies, and when Hop blabbed about my origins, I was able to escape from him very quickly by leaving his grade level and succeeding academically. He continued persisting I be his friend -- that he would never talk about my origins again, not without my expressed permission. I didn't trust him, and I kept him at a distance, but our friendship did eventually get repaired during our time in Circhester.

"That's where I met Ryan, actually. While our first meeting was technically in the Mock Battles class when we sparred against each other(I won, easily), we only began talking after I was assigned as his tutor during the Circhester Academy Peer Tutoring Programme, where two students would be matched based on their academic standing and would have regular meetings in order to improve their grades and have a chance to gain extra benefits from the school and so forth. I didn't mind it, but he began to flirt with me all of a sudden. Only a few months in, he managed to pull me into a romantic relationship with him, which ended after only a few months because of how stressed it made me. It wasn't his fault, actually it was more my fault for trying to acomodate to needs he never expressed. I was stubborn and stressing myself out and it eventually fucked up an otherwise healthy relationship... But he never stopped liking me and I never stopped liking him. So it was kind of weird to constantly be around him...

"On my graduation day, Chairman Rose offered to sponsor me for the Galar League Gym Challenge, but Hop was still in school and I was pretty sure Aurora and Valerie were also waiting a year before we all went on our ways to the Gym Challenge. Valerie got an endorsement from Raihan, Aurora from a man called Peony and when Hop and I got our endorsements from Leon and Mustard respectively. Ryan was in school for two years and decided to take a gap to observe the Gym Challenge since we were all his friends and whatever. When Hop and I met Bede, apparently Aurora already knew him, but we all pretty much agreed that he was frustrating and annoying. But, considering all his Pokemon were the feeling type, there was nothing exactly bad about him, so for the most part, I just tried to keep my cool and keep my distance from him... Until I beat him up at Stow-on-Side for destroying Hop's mental health the way he did. But then Ryan talked sense into me and I felt really bad... So I apologised to him. Then he smashed a mural to pieces. Whatever, I guess.

"We started getting closer, Bede and I, after Opal convinced us both to share numbers, but it was pretty dry until I figured out how and when to text him. Around Spikemuth, we began to text so much more, and it actually got pretty deep at times. Of course, Ryan was there with me since we had also begun dating around this time, too. I remember telling Bede about that. His conversations were pretty dry, but I kept trying and failing to get him to open up again. By the time we went to the Champion Cup, Bede confessed in front of an entirely stadium of people, which was absolutely terrifying for me since... I wasn't cheating on Ryan, Bede literally sprang that out of nowhere. On the other hand, we battled, the stadium begged him to stay as a Gym Leader for Ballonlea and eventually, in the changing room, Ryan, Bede and I talked about... The confession. Ah, then the Chairman tried to revitalise Eternatus and bring back the Darkest Day, but Hop and I, with the help of Zacian and Zamazenta, managed to take down Eternatus and blah blah.

"Bede, Ryan and I moved to a cottage in Ballonlea after the Gym Challenge ended. I had beat Champion Leon after resting up a few days because I was super out of it for some reason. Bede and Ryan really did help, though. This is the happy ending, I guess. Then, I met Briar."

Spited, Ever so Softly

"Ah... Ah, this one... I think I can comment on it, can't I? My backstory is the same, as usual. I'm caught in mishap I cannot remember, however I am told that I was visited by 'Her', who we call Her, but who is actually Giratina. I am sent away from my parents at a young age as a result, and forced to work under Lucian, a member of the Coronet clergy and an advisor to Her Majesty the Queen. Her majesty took notice of me, assigning me to a dojo in the Isle of Armor in order to help me gain control of my power, as Lucian could exactly gage how much deeper the parasite (and by extension my power) was. It was awkward getting accustomed to only speaking english to other individuals, but I eventually became very conversationally fluent and Master Brasic decided I was safe enough to keep around other students of his. That's when I met Aurora, and eventually Hop and Valerie. See, Aurora is a princess -- actually she's the Crown Princess of the Crown Tundra. Her royal advisor is Valerie Verne, a royal knight tasked with being her body guard, but skilled enough to advise her on important decisions. She's also Aurora's girlfriend, and Aurora seemed to have fought hard in order to get her family to agree to call off the arranged wedding to the Crown Prince of Northern Galar. The Prince of the Isle of Armor, Hop, came to the dojo seeking help with his strength, but very suddenly he decided he preferred more scientific practises and went to study under the Alchemist Sonia. Aurora, Valerie and I got along well, to the point where I began to be invited into personal matters.

"It was... during one of these conferences that I happened to lock eyes with Galaurchi, the Prince of Southern Galar. He was very close, too close. I always made sure to keep my mood stable, however it was rather difficult when that man was breathing down my neck like a rabid dog... but we did eventually become friends. Then he introduced me to his fiance, the Crown Prince of Northern Galar, Bede Rantha. Sometimes, I think I long for a normal life. Where I can lust and dream of Princes like any boy discovering his sexuality for the first time. Sadly, due to the clerical constraints that I abide by to the letter, I was not allowed. Not at all. It would be sinful to Her, and I would never want to offend Her in any way, should it be detrimental to my home country. But... They are so enticing, they are. And when they beg me to kiss them and prod them, to wrap my arms around them and allow them to take me, there is some sort of longing I feel. To live a normal life, something that She stole from me. Alas. It's rather stressful to deal with the two princes. I also come to take in a lost peasant girl, who won't speak. I do my best to talk with her, help her out, as She would want me to. But when the girl clings to me, I cannot do more than want to keep her with me and see that she grows well. So I do, with some help..."

  • Baked Goods
  • Strawberries
  • Caves/Tunnels
  • Rocks
  • Loud/Sudden noise
  • Kale
  • Flickering Light
  • Hot weather
  • Baking
  • Sleeping
  • Training
  • Listening to music
