Nick Bullet



2 years, 2 months ago


The question isn't who is going to let me: it's who is going to stop me-Ayn Rand


Nick Bullet is a man who does what it takes, whenever it takes, who doesn't accept defeat, who is calm and unshakeable in the face of danger, focussed and highly skilled, who follows their own rules. As a high ranking hitman he is always working, as he is the best in his field. His weapon of choice is a Karambit knife as he prefers hand to hand combat, however he also uses a .45 handgun.

Nick is VERY passionate in his relationships, friends, self proclamed family, his love(olly) to the rest of the world he is seen as a cold person, doesnt care about anyone but himself. he has a resting bitch face so not many people come up and talk to him, because of his demeanor, scars, and weapons he is a very scary human.

"Watching the world burn together💚💙"-Nick and Olly


Nick is a reserved individual. very athlethic, keeps in shape. standoffish, suffers from depression and PTSD. Has anger issues. To his partner he is a very loving boyfriend, will do anything to protect olly even if that means he has to get hurt.

Design notes

Some design elements are his left ear has a piece missing by the top. scars on his face, neck, stomach, and arms. almost always wears arm bandages due to injury from his job. his colour sceme is green.. obvously lol.


Nick Bullet
Right handed
Professional Hitman


  • Fighting
  • Hiking
  • Olly


  • Styrofoam
  • Heat
  • Crowds
  • Bullys


  • Hiking
  • Shooting
  • Anything with olly


Hello. My name is nick Bullet, i am a hitman, contracted killer if you will. I am 27 years old and work in a large organization of other hitmen called [INSERT NAME]. Lets go back to the beginning, when i was 14 years old i got my first kill, It was a man named David Benjamin he was the one who killed my parents just a year before right in front of me. My father was also a hitman, David was one of his clients that wasn't to happy about the outcome of the job he hired him to do and took it out on my mother and father, he did try to kill me but he didnt know i had been training for awhile at that point, i grabbed a kitchen knife and killed him. The police ended up coming, since i was 14 and it was in self defense i was not convicted. I was put into the foster system, bouncing from house to house untill i aged out at 18. Once i was 18 i decided to go to the same origination my Father was apart of and talk to the main boss, i sat doen with him and he started to rave about my fathers work and he would like to offer me a place to train and if i were good enough, to work for him however being 18 at the dime he didnt want me out in the field till he was confident in my training which would take a few years. He gave me a house to live in as i was basically homeless and i got to training. I would train every morning, every night for almost 5 years when i turned 23 i was deemed ready to take on my first client. Ben... Ben davenport was my second kill im not sure the identity of my client who hired me to lets say "dispose" of him but i know they had a pretty good reason for wanting him gone. Another year passes and i have climbed up in rankings since i first started as a probie now i am officially 3rd in command, i now get higher profile cases, mob bosses, politicians and people of the sort. Id say this origination i am apart of is almost like a gang, well it is just not the kind you think of, we don't deal with drugs, human trafficking or that type of illegal stuff but what we do is illegal, killing those we are payed to so we have to keep a low profile, watch out for UCs or informants so i tend to stay to myself. Because of this i dont have to many friends other than axel, someone i met through some old family. Fast forward to now i am 2nd im command at my job i live in the (name of appt) Apartments on the top floor, i rent 2 rooms one to live in and the other to store all of my tools i need for work. I go in there to do anything work related because im not needed as much at the office as i am on my own branch at the moment, taking my own clients and cases untill i am needed for something much bigger. I still don't necessarily have many friends but more than before and i have met the love of my life, Oleander through work.


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  • Pellentesque enim purus, maximus vel scelerisque ut, dapibus nec est. Etiam hendrerit posuere interdum. Cras sodales maximus enim et hendrerit. Nam id tempus lacus.
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