


4 years, 1 month ago



He/Him - weredog - 24

When *** was a teenager, he was mocked by his peers. Always afraid to go out alone or stand out. Sometimes only talking to the cattle.   One evening while checking the fence line *** found a small ball of light. It spoke to him about wishes and new futures. Intreeged by the Fae **** spoke to it. "I can give you anything youd like, I just need your name." It said. Thinking nothing of it he agreed, "I want to be brave... brave like Oleander. Hes able to protect us from anything" *** replied.  The Fea nodded and did their spell. From then on people didnt recognize Olly... They treated him like a stranger. It wasnt until he transformed for the first time that he learned what had happened. The Fae STOLE his life and made him a beast. Not quite human but not fully hound.


  • Ollys "wolf" form is actually an Armenian Gampr.
  • Olly's favorite color was blue but mysteriously changed to green.
  • He grew up on a farm! He knows a lot about plants and livestock.

code by snail-legs

NEW Wolf design by: Friicklord